kadivar. :kadhincadi ; juge musulman des affaire civiles et notaire réglant les problèmes de la vie quotidienne: mariages, divorces, répudiations, successions, héritages. Les cadis de Mayotte se réfèrent constamment au Min'hadj qui est le code civil musulman selon le rite chaféite. Depuis 2005, ses domaines de compétence se sont restreints et il agit surtout comme médiateur.Muslim judge in charge of civil litigations. He settles cases pertaining to repudiations, divorces, marriages and inheritance. In Mayotte the Min'hadj is the law book the kadi uses as a constant reference according to the Shafite school of law. Since 2005 French law has considerably reduced the kadi's sphere of authority, and he is now mainly acting as a judge of the peace in the local community.

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