guronot1gerenyet, gerak-gerak urat; gerak pukat atau jala menandakan ada ikan yg mengenathrob (of veins), pulsing; movement of net indicating fish insideguronot2GURONOT (-ur- GONOT)der.vgerenyetpulseAso dati ot sada ditit bawang diti tu, asot guronot dat pukot.Mungkin sungai ini tdk mempunyai ikan sebab, pukat itu tiada gerenyet.There may not be any fish in this creek because there is no jerking [of fish hitting] the net.muuguronotm- puu- GURONOTder.vbergerenyetpulsingWaro not sada nokosulung dat pukot dilo tu, muuguronot no.Pasti sudah ada ikan yg mengena pd pukat itu sebab, ianya bergerenyat.There are fish that have gotten caught in that gill net because it's jerking.

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