longus1lucut, terlepas (spt ikatan tali pada leher kerbau dll)slip offantogot1 1kolongusko- LONGUSder.vterlucutslip offKolongus i tali sid sungu om sunguwo yalo nga sabat pom minatay.Ketika tali terlucut dari tanduk kerbau itu, dia nyaris mati kerana ditanduk.The rope came off the horns and then he gored [someone] and they nearly died.kolongusayko- LONGUS -ayder.vterlucutslip freeSera kolongusay i sapi diri owo?Bila pula lembu telah terlucut talinya?When did that cow slip free?koolongusVRED- ko- LONGUSder.vbaru terlucutrecently slip offNowungkaya i sijil nu nga koolongus toõ da togot dilo.Sijilmu telah terbuka gulungan tapi ia baru terlucut itu.Your certificate came untied but the tie just now slipped off.koolongusayVRED- ko- LONGUS -ayder.vbaru terlepasrecently slipped freeMiboboyo po dati do tabpaan ah kambing dilo tu koolongusay gima.Mungkin masih boleh ditangkap kambing itu kerana ia baru terlepas.That goat may allow itself to be caught because it his only recently slipped free.lilinumongus-in- -um- RED- LONGUSder.vtelah terlucutslipped offLilinumongus-i i lawa dot nokosulung ne tasu.Jerat telah terlucut juga, padahal anjing telah terjerat.The lasso that caught the dog slipped off.linumongus-in- -um- LONGUSder.vterlucutslipped offOkon-ko linumongus pe togot diri nga noputut.Ikatan bukan terlucut tapi terputus itu.The knot did not slip free but [the rope] broke.longus2LONGUSder.vterlepasslip freeLongus i tali pinanapak ku di karabaw.Tali terlepas ketika aku menjerat kerbau itu.The rope I lassoed the buffalo with slipped off.lulumongus-um- RED- LONGUSder.vakan terlucutslip offPosuwango nogi ad kandang ino manuk; milom lulumongus nelo togot.Lebih baik masukkan ayam ke rebah nanti ikatan akan terlucut.Put that chicken in the coop; it's tie might slip free.lumongus-um- LONGUSder.vakan terlepasslip offLumongus ino togot ong aso not tinimbagos.Ikatana akan terlepas jika ikatan tidak disimpul.That knot will slip off it there isn't an overhand knot.moolongusm- REDV- LONGUSder.vsedang terlucutcoming loseMolongus bala i togot di manuk diri owo.Ikatan ayam sedang terlucut pula itu.The tie of the chicken is coming off.nololongusno- RED- LONGUSder.vtelah terlucutcame loseNololongus ne pinongogot nu di bubuuk.Pengikat buku telah terlucut pula.Your tie on the books came lose.nololongusanno- RED- LONGUS -ander.vtelah terlucutgot loseNololongusan-i i sapi di ginakom nu diri.Telah terlucut pengikat sapi yg telah kau tangkap itu.The cow that you lassoed slipped free.nolongusno- LONGUSder.vterlucutslipped ofNakalabus i manuk tu nolongus i togot.Ayam telah terlepas kerana ikatannya terlucut.The chicken got free because the tie came off.nolongusan2no- LONGUS -ander.vtelah terlucutslipped freeNolongusan i kambing do tali owo.Tali pengikat kambing telah terlucut.The goat got free of its rope.ololonguso- RED- LONGUSder.vterlepasslip offOgogoto ino tu amu atabpaan ong ololongus no.Kau ikat erat kerana tak dapat ditangkap jika ia terlepas.Tie that tight because [that animal] can't be caught if it gets free.ololongusano- RED- LONGUS -ander.vterlucutslipped freePosuwango nogi do kutak tu osusa ong ololongusan no id tanga do ralan.Lebih baik masukkan di dalam kotak kerana susah kalau terlucut di tengah jalan.Put it in a box because it will be difficult if it gets loose along the way.olonguso- LONGUSder.vterlepasslip freeOgogoto ino tu milom olongus.Eratkan ikatan itu nanti terlepas.Tie that tightly because otherwise it may slip free.pololongusonpo- RED- LONGUS -onder.vlucut-lucutkancause to slip freePololonguson dialo i pulut niogot ku sid buuk.Dia lucut-lucutkan getah pengikat yg aku ikatkan di buka itu.Tell him to loose the rubber band that I tied the books with.polongusopo- LONGUS -oder.vtelah lucutkancause to looseMinaan nu bala polonguso i pinongogot ku.Kau telah lucutkan pengikat aku pula.I untied your tie.polongusonpo- LONGUS -onder.vlucutkancause to looseNotu polonguson nogi keno tali ko ogoton powo?Kenapa kau lucutkan tali itu drpd diikat?Why are you untying that rope rather than tie it?

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