pexpʰɯ̠⁴⁴🔊v.splatter; spurt; sprinkle/pēn/Var vur su mel yar ddei var mel leil ajjix pex nia; nrnga a, var mel hie var.卖菜的人要喷水在他们的菜上,要不菜会干。Those selling vegetables must sprinkle their vegetables with water; if not, the vegetables will dry (out).Yar ajjix dda dae car, vae du lei qie, ajjix ddei ngo leil pex deix gger a.他喝水的时候笑起来,把水喷在我身上了。When s/he was drinking water, when (s/he) laughed, (s/he) spurted water on me.1. This is different than /pe/ 'flow'.此字与 /pe/ 'flow 流' 不同。loan借词Compare 另见pepex pʰɯ̠⁴⁴

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