kokʰo³³🔊n.uncooked husked rice大米/dà mǐ/Ko mel zeixl nr mi seir a nael, ko lei bbeix ddo, almeixr lei bbeix ddo; zeixl mi ho a nael, almeixr bbeix. 大米还没有煮熟,可以说 "ko" 或者 "almeixr"; 煮熟了,说 'almeixr'。When the rice has not been fully cooked (by boiling), it can be called "ko", and can be called "almeixr"; after it has been fully cooked by boiling it, it is called "almeixr".First the rice seeds /cei saer/ are planted in a small plot. The seeds grow into seedlings /lil/ that grow very closely together. Then the seedlings are transplanted and spread out row by row in the paddy where they become mature rice plants /cei/. Then the rice seed /cei saer/ is harvested from the rice plants. When the rice seed is husked it is called /ko/ or /almeixr/. After it is cooked it is called /almeixr/. These days /almeixr/ almost always means 'white rice' but to clarify, the word /piu/ 'white' can be added /almeixrpiu/ 'white rice'. There are also contexts where the word /almeixr/ is used to mean grain.首先稻种种在一小块地里。种子长成密密的秧苗后。这些秧苗就被移植到水稻田里,一行一行的散布着栽种,在水稻田里长成成熟的稻子 /cei/。然后稻种 /cei saer/ 就从长成的稻子收割下来。稻种去壳后叫做 /ko/ 或 /almeixr/。煮熟后叫做 /almeixr/。现在 /almeixr/ 多半指‘白饭’但可以更清楚的加上 /piu/ ‘白’这个字:/almeixr piu/ ‘白饭’。有些时侯 /almeixr/ 此字也可以指一般的谷粒。Compare 另见almeixralmeixrpiuceicei saerlilceipi tsʰe³³pʰi³³

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