Browse Bible Dictionary



fountainA natural spring of water, or a man-made object designed to expel water. DTP Often represents a clean and pure life. Christ is a fountain of life to all who will call upon His name.
four horsemenA figurative picture given to us by John in the book of Revelation, concerns the judgment that will be poured out upon the earth during the last days, known as the Tribulation; each horse is a different color and its rider will bring forth from heaven a specific judgment to the earth. See Zech 1:8-17; 6:1-8; Rev 6:2-8; 9:17; 19:11-21.
frankincenseAromatic resin/sap taken from a hardy tree in the Near East (also found in Africa). Has a strong smell and a bitter taste; the King James Bible used the word "incense"; frankincense was one of the gifts that presented to Jesus by the Magi.
freeLiberty, choice, independence; DTP State of being free; in the year of Jubilee slaves were to receive back their freedom (Lev 25:8-55; Isa 61:1; Ezek 46:17). For disciples of Christ, His coming results in setting the captives free from sin and bondage, and giving life eternal.
freedomLiberty, choice, independence; state of being free. DTP In the year of Jubilee slaves were granted their freedom (Lev 25:8-55; Ezek 46:17; Isa 61:1). For disciples of Christ, His coming results in setting the captives free from sin and bondage, and giving life eternal. Christ has proclaimed freedom to all who will receive Him as their personal Lord and Saviour.
freelyLiberally, generously, without restraint, giving to everyone; since we have received freely, we are now to give freely; we are not to hold back from sharing with others because, as we do, we are laying up treasures in heaven.
freewillAutonomy, self-rule, freedom, independence; thinking or desiring to act according to one's own beliefs, DTP In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve exercised their free will, the result of which was disobedience to God, and plunging all of mankind into sin. In the Old Testament, one could make a freewill offering or Peace Offering.
freewill offeringSee section on "offering, freewill".
friend / friendsCompanion, affectionate, faithful one; a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard. DTP At one point Christ told His disciples that they were His friends; our relationship should be tied more closely to the things of Christ and His Kingdom than to the things of this world (James 4:4).
friendshipCompanionship, comradeship, fondness, acquaintance, closeness, alliance; love; having a mutual understanding with another; the outcome/result of two or more people determining, or desiring, a deeper relationship with one another.
fringe / hemTassels, twisted thread; they were often sown on the hem of the garment to be a reminder to the Jews of God's commandments; in the New Testament, we have the example of the woman with the issue of blood touching the hem of Jesus' garment and being healed (Matt 9:20; Luke 8:43-56).
frontletsPhylactery; a leather band containing a small box, inside of which was a portion of Scripture; sometimes it was worn on the left arm.
fruitCrop, outgrowth, product; DTP Disciples are commanded by Christ to produce fruit that will last; they should be known by their fruit and to have the fruit of the Spirit flowing out of their lives (Gal 5:22, 23).
fruit of the SpiritFor the disciple of Christ, the Fruit of the Spirit should be visibly evident in one's life. It should be the foundation stone for every disciple in order to be used effectively in the body of Christ.
fulfil / fulfilledSatisfied, content, pleased, brought to completion or realization. DTP Christ came to fulfill the Scriptures and to provide people with a new way to come to the Father. He also birthed forth His church; Christ fulfilled all things and, as our High Priest and sacrificial Lamb, He fulfilled all the requirements of the Old Testament law.
full / fullyContaining as much, or as many, as possible, leaving no empty space; lacking nothing, to have been saturated, no more room. DTP The disciple needs to be filled with the Holy Spirit and, for this to take place, we need to be in a place of full surrender and obedience to the will of God. If we are not full of Christ it will not be long before we become filled with something else. Prayer and studying of the Word of God and meditating upon His truth is like a river of living water that fills our body/temple for His glory.
full armour of GodPaul introduces this concept of the full armour of God to the Ephesian church; he wants them to know that the disciple is involved in spiritual warfare. Our battle is not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers; because of this we need to put on Spiritual Armour made up of six different pieces which are found listed in Eph 6:14-17; each part is designed to protect us emotionally and spiritually.
fulnessHolding as much as possible, every corner or crevice occupied. There are no empty spots, nothing else can come in. DTP We are to have the fullness of Christ and be completely filled with His Spirit to the point where there is no room for anything else. We are to be emptied of our own will, and saturated with His will, His nature, His truth, and His life.
fundamentalismA movement that began in the early twentieth-century by various American Protestants to counter theological liberalism; their focus and emphasis was on the inerrancy of the Bible, the virgin birth, the deity of Christ, the substitutionary atonement, and the second coming of Christ.
funeralA ceremony taking place following the death of a person; the body was washed, anointed with spices and wrapped in cloth or clothes. In Palestine this event took place usually within a few hours after death and the body would be placed in a tomb or cave. (See John 12:7; 19:39, 40)