Browse Bible Dictionary



materialismA philosophy/belief that matter is the fundamental substance in nature, and that consciousness is the result of material interactions. Materialism totally rejects the spiritual side of the universe. Adherents often focus solely on the comforts and luxury of life. DTP The disciple is not to be a follower of materialism but is, rather, a steward of all that God has given to them. We should use that which God gives us for His glory and to build up His kingdom.
MATTHEW, Gospel book ofThis book is believed to have been written by Matthew the disciple of Christ. It was written to Jewish converts. It uses at least 65 quotes from the Hebrew Scriptures and focuses a lot on the theme, "Kingdom of Heaven". It is thought to have been written around 37 AD. It is the first book in the New Testament and the first book of the Gospel section. Matthew sets out to prove the Jewishness of Jesus Christ and that He was from the line of King David.
measure / measuredTo take a ruler and determine the size of something, to weigh, to determine the amount or quality of something. Things will be measured and evaluated. There is an accountability that God will bring when we all stand before Him.
meatFlesh of an animal as food.
mediatorInterceder, peacemaker, a go-between, intermediary, arbitrator. DTP For the disciple, Christ is the mediator between ourselves and the heavenly Father ... He stands in our place and makes it possible for us to enter into the Holy of Holies.
meditate / meditationThought, consideration, deliberation, contemplation, reflection, to study. To take time to think or reflect on things. DTP The disciple takes time to pray, listen for the Holy Spirit's voice, and find out the will of God for his life.
mediumOne who claims to be able to communicate with the dead, a channel to the underworld. One who is controlled, or has become a vessel for spiritual communication with the dead. DTP The disciple is forbidden by God to be involved in consulting mediums, for it is deeply sinful in His eyes. "Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God." (Lev 19:31 NIV).
meek / meeknessQuiet, gentle, mild, submissive. DTP Meekness is one of the fruit of the Spirit that a believer should have in his life. Meekness does not mean weakness, but demonstrates an attitude of confidence in who one is in Christ. For the disciple, meekness means an "inward grace of the soul", demonstrating a controlled strength and a gentleness in ministering to others.
member / membersTo be part of a group, connected together with other people. To be joined with others in a relationship or some form of fellowship. DTP As disciples of Christ we are a valuable members of His body, enjoying a spiritual connection with other brothers and sisters; caring for each other, protecting each other, and equipping each other in Christ for service.
memorialAn structure, monument, or inscription that helps to preserve the memory of an event or of the life of a person. DTP While monuments and plaques may be used today, in the Old Testament it could be an altar or even a large pile of stones to remind people what God had done for them.
menGentlemen, male persons, the plural form for man. Often in the Bible used to refer to the human, male and female. (See the word man and mankind) The Scriptures gave specific responsibilities to men; they are accountable for the nurturing of children in the fear of God.
MennonitesA people group who are Anabaptist in belief. The roots come from Holland, Germany and Switzerland. Their main doctrines emphasize baptism, pacifism and personal purity; they do not believe in taking oaths or getting interest for the use of their money. They beliefs and teachings came out of the teachings of Menno Simons, Conrad Grebel and Pilgrim Marpeck, dating back to the late 1400's and early 1500's.
mercies / mercifulCompassion, pity, kindness, sympathy; kindness toward an enemy; it is the power to forgive or spare someone from punishment. As Christ has shown His mercy to us, we should also be merciful to others.
mercyCompassion, pity, kindness, sympathy; kindness toward an enemy; it is the power to forgive or spare someone from punishment. Mercy is not getting what one deserves. (See mercies/merciful). DTP God has judged us as guilty because of our sin nature, but because of Christ's shed blood and the faith that we put in Him, we are shown mercy by our heavenly Father; this takes away the punishment of death and gives to us eternal life.
mercy seatFound in the Holy of Holies, it was the lid or cover of solid gold on the Ark of the Covenant. This is where the blood was sprinkled on the seat for the sins of the nation or for the individual person. DTP Christ sprinkled/shed His blood for us and tore the temple veil, signifying that the disciple could now go into the Holy of Holies and have a personal relationship with God Almighty.
messenger / messengersEnvoy, herald, go-between, runner, courier, deliverer, ambassador, one who delivers a letter or some verbal information to another. DTP God throughout history sometimes raises up people to speak out on His behalf. Christ was also sent as a messenger of grace and mercy, plus God has sent angels to proclaim a truth of events that was about to take place.
MessiahThe word means "the anointed one"; the Hebrew word is "Messiah", the Greek word is translated "Christ". His baptism showed that Jesus was the Messiah, anointed with the Holy Spirit and with power.
Messianic JewA Jew who believes that Jesus Christ is the Messiah. Their faith brings together some of the culture and tradition of the Jewish law, but also bases faith on a personal commitment to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.
metamorphosesThis word often describes the major event that takes place in an insect's body. For example: a butterfly larva/worm turns into a butterfly. A change from one form of life to another. DTP Disciples undergo the change from living like the world to living for Christ Jesus as a child of God. It is a complete change from an old nature to a new nature. The same Greek word metamorphoo is used in Matthew 17:2, And was transfigured before them: and in Romans 12:2, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.
MethodistA religious movement that was started by John and Charles Wesley. The focus of the methodical teaching was based on piety and on a personal inner heart relationship with Jesus Christ. It began with the Holy club at Oxford University during in 1725. George Whitefield was also a part of this movement. The main teaching is that the disciples are justified by faith.
MICAH, book ofThis is an Old Testament book written by Micah, predicting the coming judgement upon Samaria and Jerusalem; also predicted that Zion would be "plowed as a field". The prophet does give a word of hope that in time a Deliverer would come to redeem them. The book was written around 750 BC.
mid tribulationThis group believe that the church will remain as a witness to the world during the 3 and 1/2 years of peace, but then the church will be raptured into heaven.
might / mighty / mightily / mightierStrength and power. The ability to use one's body, soul and spirit to lead others to victory. Being able to overcome hardship and challenges. DTP God is our mighty God who stand strong for His children. He is the Mighty One of Israel.
mighty man / mighty menOne who stands strong against his enemies. Implies the ability to overcome trials and challenges. The mighty man is not fearful but is full of faith in God. DTP The disciple need to stand as a mighty man of God and, by doing so, brings glory to his God.
mill / millstoneLiterally, each of two circular stones used for grinding grain. Grain is fed through a hole in the top stone which, when turned, crushes grain into flour. Small millstones were used in the home and large commercial millstones were housed in a mill and often turned by oxen. DTP Jesus told His listeners not to be deceptive in their talk and way of life because there would be great punishment for that person. Jesus said that it would be better for that person to have a millstone placed around his neck and be cast into the sea.