Browse Bible Dictionary



new nameWith Christ there is a dividing line between what is old and what will be new. When we invite Christ into our hearts we become new creations; the old life has passed away. When we get to heaven we will have a new body, new clothing and even a new name. The old will pass away and eventually all creation will become new.
new testamentThe Bible has two main sections: one is the Old Testament and the second is the New Testament. The New Testament or the New Covenant is made up of 27 books, including the Gospels, epistles and the apocalypses. They teach and testify of God and our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church.
Nicene creed / Nicene-Constantinopolitan creed This creed was adopted in AD 325; this creed put further emphasis on the deity of Christ; later, in AD 381, another line was added to the creed reflecting the place that the Holy Spirit has, as God: "We believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord, the Giver of Life, who proceeded from the Father, who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified, who spoke by the prophets."
nighTo draw near, to have a close relationship. DTP We are one in Christ's Body, the Church, of which Christ is the head. We are to draw close to each other in service and ministry, but also we are to draw close to His will and teaching for our lives. The closer we come to Christ and His word, the greater the power we will have to overcome the temptations and challenges of this sinful world. Personal devotion and prayer is the way that we can "draw nigh" to God each day.
nightDaily period of darkness; the time between sunset and sunrise.
noThis is like a full stop at the end of a sentence. It is an ending point; it means to go no further. It is the opposite to the word yes. When the command "no" is given we have no right to go any further in our thinking or in our actions. DTP The disciple is commanded to stop certain sinful ways of living. We are called to stop following the ways of the world but, rather, to follow in the footsteps of Christ.
NoahA patriarch who live for, and followed after, the heart of God; the Bible tells us that he walked with God. He was a man of great faith and when God called him to built an ark or boat on dry land, he did not waver in his faith. In due time the whole world was overcome by water and only Noah and his three sons and family were spared. He lived for 950 years and a study of genealogy shows that he died when Abram, his grandson to the 11th generation, was 50 years old.
Noahic covenantA binding covenant made by God with Noah, whereby God gave directives for the transition, provision and protection of the human race; the rainbow is the symbol of this agreement. Noahic covenants: Gen 9:12-17.
Northern KingdomThe northern kingdom consisted of the ten tribes that split away from Benjamin and Judah. Eventually these ten tribes became scattered and lost throughout the earth. The northern kingdom was destroyed. In the last days God will call back these tribes to be joined with the rest of Israel.
nothingThe absence of things, to be void of anything, empty, all gone, to have no purpose or direction. DTP The disciple is to empty himself of the things of this world, to be emptied of the desires of the flesh, but to be filled with the Holy Spirit. The goal is to walk in the fruit and gifts of the Spirit and to be a person who has a servant heart towards others in service of Christ Jesus.
number / numberedAmount, quantity, sum, numeral, total.
NUMBERS, book ofWritten by Moses, Numbers is the fourth book of the Pentateuch. This book seems to follow after the exodus from Egypt and gives account of the peoples' wanderings in the wilderness. It also records two times when a census takes place (chapters 1-3 and chapter 26). This book deals extensively on how the Jewish people were to serve and walk as God's children. The book was written around 1490 BC and described about 39 years of Jewish history.
nurtureThis is a word that describes how one should work with the plants of a garden. The process of growing vegetables or fruit is one of work and time. Maturing takes place when the seed begins to come through the soil and continues maturing to the day of harvest. DTP We are commanded by Christ to nurture those to whom we minister and serve.

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