Browse Bible Dictionary



transfigurationA complete change of form or appearance into a more beautiful or spiritual state. Jesus was transfigured before the disciples and it was there they also saw Moses and Elias. They were amazed and wanted to set up a place of worship to commemorate this event. This event seems to be alluded to by John and Peter in their writings (2 Pet 1:18; John 1:14). These disciples saw and experienced the majesty of Christ Jesus.
transform / transformationA thorough or dramatic change; a major alteration, a complete makeover, such as the conversion experience. DTP The disciple is to undergo a transformation were the old is put to death and we become a new creation in Christ Jesus. We are to undergo a change that takes us from wanting to desire the things of this world, to seeking Christ and His kingdom. We die to ourselves and live according to Christ's will which brings about a daily transformation in our lives.
transgressTo go beyond the bounds a moral principle or standard of behaviour, a wrongdoing, a misbehaviour, an offence, a crime or a breaking of the law, to disobey, to sin against God. DTP For the disciple, to transgress is being disobedient and turning away from God's will for our lives. We must submit to God and be obedient to His will in our lives; a transgression will be punished if not confessed and forgiven.
transgressionA wrongdoing, a misbehaviour, an offence, a crime or breaking of the law, disobedient to authority, sin against God. DTP For the disciple, committing a transgression is being disobedient and turning away from God's will for one's life. We must submit to God and fulfill His will in our lives, avoiding transgressions which, if not confessed and forgiven, will be punished.
translateTo express and give meaning to words in another language so that the hearer can understand. Does not necessarily mean a word for word process, but can also mean the expression of ideas via illustrations or words or concepts that will make sense. Translate can also mean to move from one place or condition to another (this is the meaning used in Scripture).
transliterationConversion of a text from one script to another. To write or print a letter or word using the closest corresponding letter of a different alphabet or language. An example of this in Greek the "baptizien". In English the word is "baptism" and in Kachin it is "baptisma".
transubstantiationThis is a Roman Catholic belief concerning the Lord's Supper, referring to Christ's statement, "This is my body" and "this is my blood". They feel that this statement should be interpreted literally (Mark 14:22, 24), saying that after the prayers during the communion service that the bread literally becomes Christ's flesh and the wine becomes his literal blood. The term was defined by the Council of Trent in 1545 to 1563 AD. This belief implies that each time one has communion Christ is being crucified all over again. DTP The disciple of Christ should believe that Christ suffered and died once; all the redemptive work was completed on the cross, and it is by faith that we must receive Christ personally into our hearts.
travailEffort, toil, exertion, labour, struggle, graft, hard work.
treasureSomething that is precious, valuable. Often kept hidden from public view. DTP The disciple is told that he is a vessel and within that vessel is a treasure of great price. That treasure is Jesus Christ who has filled us with His Holy Spirit; a part of heaven now dwells within us. We have become a new creation, covered with Christ's righteousness exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit.
treeA woody perennial plant typically having a single stem or trunk; always bearing some type of fruit. Trees are generally tall and strong and can have deep roots. DTP The disciple is to be like a tree by the river side, strong and bearing much fruit for God's glory.
tree of KnowledgeAlso known as the "tree of knowledge of good and evil". In the Garden of Eden there were two trees that were important for Adam and Eve to understand. One was the tree of "life" from which they could eat; that tree appears again in the book of Revelation (Rev 2:7; 22:14). God had, however, forbade them to eat of the tree of knowledge. To eat of this tree would open man's mind to the whole area of good and evil, and to all the attacks of Satan who desires to destroy and kill mankind. The sin of disobedience would have extreme consequences for all mankind; because of Adam's and Eve's disobedience sin entered the human race, being inherited from generation to generation.
tree of lifeIn the Garden of Eden there were two trees that were important for Adam and Eve to understand. One was the tree of "life" from which they could eat; that tree appears again in the book of Revelation (Rev 2:7; 22:14). God had, however, forbade them to eat of the tree of knowledge. To eat of this tree would open man's mind to the whole area of good and evil, and to all the attacks of Satan who desires to destroy and kill mankind. That is why when they ate of the tree of knowledge, God had to bar them from the garden to prevent them from eating of the tree of life. Eating of the tree of life while in that state of disobedience would have doomed them for all eternity. The sin of disobedience would have extreme consequences for all mankind.
trespassEntering someone's land without permission. A wrongdoing, a misbehaviour, an offence, a crime or breaking of the law, disobedience, a sin against God. DTP For the disciple, trespassing is being disobedient, a turning away from God's will for our lives. We must submit to God and obey His will in our lives; if not, we are transgressing against Him. If we do not confess our sin and be forgiven, we will have to be punished.
trialA formal examination of evidence before a judge or jury. Testing someone or something to determine suitability for a given purpose. To be tempted or tested by Satan; to undergo a test to determine one's strength. Jesus was the victor over Satan's trials because he used the power of the truth of the Scriptures. DTP All disciples face some form of testing or trial; as we go through these challenges we become stronger in Christ Jesus. Trials refine us and cause us to become more pure and upright in our walk with Christ.
tribeA social division in a traditional society consisting of families or communities linked by social, economic, religious, or blood ties, with a common culture and dialect, typically having a recognized leader. A specific people group or clan. Throughout the world there are many tribes or people groups with roots tracking back to the Tower of Babel.
tribulationA state of great trouble or suffering which can include major trial, pain, distress, ordeal, difficulty and trouble. In the last days the world will undergo a worldwide tribulation, a time when Satan and all his armies will rise against Christ and His Kingdom. It is thought to be a seven year period with the first half being a time of peace and the second a devastating time of war, destruction and much death.
Tribulation DoctrineThis a teaching concerning both the time of the tribulation and what will take place during this seven year period. There has been much debate on when the church would be raptured. There are three specific beliefs concerning when the church will be removed; these positions are held by a variety of different denominations, churches and individuals.
trichotomismThis is a doctrine and believe that a person is made up of a body, soul (emotion thought and will) and spirit. (See the word "trichotomy".)
trichotomy This is a teaching concerning the various parts of a person, that a person is made up of a body, soul (emotion thought and will) and spirit (See 1 Thes 5:23; Heb 4:12). There are also those who hold that man is really only a dichonomy having only two parts ... body and the soul/spirit entity (See Matt 10:28). (see the word "trichotomism".)
TrinityThis is the doctrine that the Godhead is made up of three persons who function as Father, as Son and as the Holy Spirit. Having three parts but being one God, sharing the same essence, equal in every way, each being omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. (See Matt 3:16 where, at Jesus' baptism, all three are present). See also Genesis 1:26, 2 Corinthians 13:14
triumphGreat victory or achievement, to have joy or satisfaction resulting from a success or a victory. To win in a sport; to overcome all odds and complete a very difficult event or task. DTP Christ wants us, as disciples, to have the victory and to triumph over the challenges of this world. He empowers us so that we can triumph over our enemies. His death on the cross and his resurrection three days later was a great triumph of Christ over darkness, death, and Satan. Because He triumphed, we are also are able to triumph over death.
triuneTo exist as three in one; most often used to describe or to give to us a picture of who God is. He exists as three persons in one Godhead. The triune God infinitely preceded the time of Creation and will continue to exist into the infinite future when time will be no more.
trouble / troubledDifficulty or problems; to cause distress or anxiety. To be in distress, anguish, grief, misery or sorrow, to suffer through tribulation, to suffer mental or spiritual pain. DTP Along life's journey, the disciple will experience troubles and challenges; we need not fear or worry because God walks with us and helps us through our times of trouble... we need only to trust and obey Him.
trueThat which is factual and real, to be genuine, to be upright and sure, to be loyal and faithful. It can be said that all truth is God's truth. DTP The Bible tells us that it is the truth that sets one free. As disciples, we must speak and live out truth here in this world. The Bible is true in all that it says. One of Jesus' names is "True".
trumpetA brass musical instrument with a flared bell and a bright, penetrating tone. In Bible times it referred to a ram or deer used to alert people about an important event such as a call to war or warning of danger. It was also used as a part of praise and worship of God as well as to summon His power and strength. (See Joshua 6:4)