Bible Dictionary and Concordance



divide /divided /dividingThe condition of being broken up or separated into two or more parts. To take away unity, harmony and/or strength that comes from being one or whole. DTP The enemy wants to divide marriages, families, communities, the church and the body of Christ. The idea is to bring disunity, to divide, conquer and destroy the individual or a people group. Satan also wants to cut us off from a personal presence and relationship with God.
divided kingdomThis took place in the land of Israel around BC 931. The people were broken down into two groups. One group was made up of two tribes in the south (Judah and Benjamin) and the other ten tribes were in the north and in the east across the Jordan River. (See 1 Kings 12)
divinationThis was a way of forecasting the future, people would use astrology, necromancy and sorcery; this process was used often by witches and warlocks. The Bible condemn and forbids the use of these practices (Lev 19:26; Deut 18:10).
divineDiscover, to see into the future; to know ahead of time the results of future events; often calling on evil spirits through chanting and spells to get information concerning oneself or others.
divisionA separation, partition, a dissection, detachment, disunion, a split, a coming apart, no longer one piece. DTP The disciple must work against division at all times, both in the home and in the church. Division brings great dishonour to the Lord. It is a sign of walking in the flesh and not in the Spirit.
divorce / divorced / divorcementSeparation from one's married partner, a breaking of the marriage vows both physically, emotionally or spiritually. DTP The disciple of Christ is to be faithful to their marriage partner in all circumstances.
do Accomplish, achieve, work out, execute, commit to doing, complete, finish, conclude; the word "do" is used over 1350 times in the Bible. DTP The children of God are to be active doers and not just hearers (Jam 1:22-25). Too many people in the church are just spectators rather than participators; the body of Christ is a living organism and each part is important to the other parts; a branch that does not bear fruit is cut off and burned (John 15:1-11); for the disciple, the idea of doing is not something that is an option, but in the Bible the word "do" is tied to the idea of being obedient to a command.
doctrinePolicy, principle, canon, dogma. A system of teaching concerning God, truth about God containing laws, regulations. DTP The disciple is to hold firm to the doctrines of the Word of God; they are there to nurture us and help to bear fruit for the honour and glory of Christ Jesus; they are the teachings and foundation stones of the church of Jesus Christ, with which we are to train and correct other disciples.
dogmaCreed, code of belief, canon. DTP These are the teaching of the Bible. Also, they are most often the extra laws that various church fathers and religions have added to the teachings of the Bible; in some instances these extra beliefs have become equal in their eyes to the Word of God itself.
dominionPower over, authority over, control of, domination, territory; an area over which one may have power and authority. DTP God has dominion over all things created, but man can be given authority by God over things here on earth; we are to be good stewards, entrusted with God's creation, but often the problem is that we desire to be lord over that which is truly not ours.
door / doorsGate, entrance, access, entry; often shepherds were themselves doors to the sheepfold; many doors could also be opened only from the inside of one's house. DTP Christ proclaimed that He was the door and that all must come through Him if they hope to get into heaven.
doorkeeperGatekeeper, porter, caretaker; this person is charged to oversee who may or may not come into a building or even the gates of a city. DTP There is also teaching that some people are called to be doorkeepers in the Church, to make sure that the enemy does not get into divide and destroy the sheep.
double mindedA person who thinks in two different directions at the same time; it could be people who think, do and go in two directions, following the ways of the world and trying to live a religious life at the same time; this kind of a person is often unstable in the things that they do; we are encouraged to draw near to God and focus our minds on Him and His will for our lives.
doubtHesitation, uncertainty, reservation, distrust, disbelief. DTP One of the disciples earned the nickname of "doubting Thomas" because he walked more by sight then by faith; doubt eats away at one's faith and can cause us to be weak in our everyday discipleship walk with Christ.
dowryGift, offering to a parent for a bride; in history of the Asian culture when a man sought a bride he was obligated to pay to the parents a dowry, a gift for her before there would be permission for the wedding to take place; often this exchange of gifts was done at the engagement ceremony.
doxologyA prayer or a hymn sung to God as an anthem of praise for who He is and for what He has done; it often comes at the end of the Christian church service; the most common one was written by Thomas Ken, "Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise him all creatures here below, praise him above ye heavenly hosts, praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost". Amen. Examples: Ps 147:1; Rom 11:33-36.
dragonAnother name for Satan in the book of Revelation; the dragon is to be like a serpent who is crafty and deceptive. The dragon gives power and authority to the antichrist and to the beast, but one must know that his days are numbered because soon Christ will come to put him into eternal bondage; at that point a new heaven and earth shall be in place for all eternity, where the disciples of Christ will live for all eternity.
drawTo pull out or to come near to, for our purpose here, this word means, to come close to something or someone. It can mean to portray or become like another. DTP God desires a close relationship with His people and this means moving close to him spiritually. As we draw closer to Him, He draws closer to us.
dreamA vision of things when one is asleep. DTP Dreams can be both corrupt and disheartening, but they can also be times when God speaks and guides His children with information and direction.
drink /drinketh To take in fluids for one's body, to quench one's thirst. DTP We can drink of physical liquids but we are also to come to the rivers and waters of God and drink in spiritual life; this is the water which Jesus spoke about with the women at the well... the water that would quench the thirsty soul for all time and eternity.
drunkenness / drunkard To lose control of mind, carousing (Joel 1:5), drunkenness and the cares of this life (Luke 21:34). Band body through alcohol or strong drink. It is surrendering one's life to intoxication that can cause one to lose control and sow all kinds of destruction into one's own life and into the lives of others around you.
dualismThis is a belief that there are two equal forces in the universe, one representing good and the other bad; in the Asian thought this is called "ying and yang"; these two forces oppose one another, creating this "tug of war" feeling within each person here on earth.
dwell / dwellethTo be in close proximity to another. To draw close in personal relationship with another. To be in a home with another. To be inside, away from the outside realm. DTP We are called to have a personal relationship with Christ, to dwell and dine with Him. It is a decision and action that must come from our heart. When we accept Christ Jesus as our Saviour and Lord, at that moment He comes to dwell in our lives, the beginning of an everlasting relationship with Him. One day He will return so that we will then go with Him to dwell eternally in Heaven.