Bible Dictionary and Concordance



theocracyA system of government in which God is the supreme head over His people, priests ruling in the name of God. The country of Israel in the period of time from Moses to King Saul was a theocracy. In reality, the church is a theocracy where Christ is the head and He alone is the supreme leader over all the pastors and people.
theologyThe study of God. This can come in a variety of forms and methods, but the goal is to seek the truth of who God is, and how He personally interacts with man here on earth and with all of His creation.
THESSALONIANS, book of FirstThis book was written around 54 AD by Paul (along with Silas and Timothy), while in Corinth, to the Thessalonian church likely within a year of it being founded. See Acts 17:1-9 for the context of the founding of the Church in Thessalonica. It is thought to be the first epistle that Paul wrote. The book can be divided into 5 section: 1. The church and the Christian life (1:1-11), 2. The servant and his reward (2:1-20), 3. Sanctification of the brethren (3:1-13), 4. The walk and the hope of the disciple (4:1-18), 5. "One another" teaching and the day of the lord (5:1-28).
THESSALONIANS, book of SecondThis book was written around 54 AD by Paul (along with Silas and Timothy), while in Corinth, to the Thessalonian church. It deals with the Day of the Lord and man's sin. Paul exhorts the believers to hold fast, not losing faith in Christ Jesus.
think / thoughtreflect on, to comprehend, to get understanding, to process information, to dwell on and evaluate information. DTP Too often we let others do our thinking for us, not realizing that God's ways and will may be different for us than for others. God has given us beautiful minds, and we need to think through His Word for our lives.
thirst / thirstyA feeling or needing or wanting to drink something; often refers to a deep passion in one's soul. DTP All of God's creatures require water; humanity must decide what he will drink, whether physical or spiritual. What we consume affects our lives, either for good or evil. We need to drink fully of the Word and of the Holy Spirit if we are to grow and be strong in our life here on earth.
thoughtAn idea or opinion produced by thinking or occurring suddenly in the mind. Can be deep reflections of one's mind. DTP It is important for the disciple of Christ to think things through and not just be a follower of the world. The disciple needs to make a conscious decision to follow Jesus Christ and His Word. We need to study and dig into the Word of God and think it through until we are firmly grounded.
threshing floorA hard level surface where grain is threshed with a flail. The grain is separated from the stock and the chaff, and then gathered into bags to be stored for one's own use, or sold.
throneA special ceremonial chair for a sovereign or high dignitary. The seat of law and authority where rulings are made for subjects of a sovereign. DTP God the Father and Christ have thrones in heaven (Jesus being at God's right hand) and one day all will come before God to be judged. The disciple should not fear coming to the throne of Christ to ask of Him those things that lie heavily on our hearts. As our King, He intercedes on behalf of His kingdom children.
tidingsNews or information which can be encouraging or discouraging. DTP The disciple is to be an ambassador of good news to a lost world, speaking the truth of Jesus Christ.
timeA measurement that man uses to tell seconds, minutes, hours, days and years. Time can also be measured in seasons... spring, summer, fall and winter. The era of time is an interlude within eternity which continually exists before, during and after time. DTP When the disciple gets to heaven, time will be no more; it will not be needed because God's children will live for all eternity.
TIMOTHY, book of FirstA letter that Paul wrote to Timothy to help instruct him on how to minister and set up churches for Christ. This book is also known as one of the "pastoral" books, written around 63 AD. This book deals with church order and the importance of having a sound and firm faith in Christ. This book provides the qualifications that should be in place for elders and deacons within the church.
TIMOTHY, book of SecondA letter that Paul wrote to Timothy to help instruct him on how to minister and set up churches for Christ. This book is also known as one the "pastoral" books, written around 67 AD. This book has to do with the disciple's personal walk and testimony. Paul also challenges the church regarding the whole area of apostate or false teaching that people were bringing into the church.
tithesA percentage (usually 10%) of money or produce which was given to the Lord and considered sacred. Any amount over 10% was considered a gift. The tithe was to be brought into the Synagogue or the church. When people did not tithe, it was believed that one was robbing God (See Mal 3:8-11).
tittleA tiny amount or part of something. A little mark that was used in the Hebrew writing, very small and seemingly meaningless to the reader. DTP Christ showed that He was not removing the tiniest part of the law, but that His life would fulfill even that very smallest detail of the law.
TITUS, book ofA book that Paul wrote to Titus to help instruct him on how to minister and set up churches for Christ. Written around 63 AD, this book is often referred to as one the pastoral letters/epistles. This book has to do with qualifications and functions of elders (1:1-16) and with the pastoral work of a true elder of the church of Jesus Christ (2:1-3:15). Paul was very concerned about local church leadership.
togetherWith or in proximity with another person or group of people. Can imply companionship or a close association; taking various pieces and making them a united whole; to be in unity and harmony, having the same goal and vision, moving forward together. DTP The body of Christ is to work together so that the Gospel of Christ can be proclaimed throughout the lost world.
tombThis word means sepulchre, a cave or a place of burial for the dead. Jesus' body was placed in a sepulchre/tomb cut into a hill. One or more bodies could be laid in a tomb, and often a large stone would be used as a door, being rolled across the tomb's entrance.
tongueThe fleshy muscular organ in the mouth, used for tasting, licking, swallowing, and communicating (forming sounds understood as words that transmit thought). Also refers to spoken languages. DTP The tongue can speak both positively and negatively, it can build up or destroy, it can give life or cause death. James says that it is a small member in the body but has power to change the whole direction of one's life, like a rudder on a ship (see James 3:1-12). We are exhorted as disciples to be very careful how we speak; we should be quick to hear but slow to speak (See James 1:19).
tongues, gift ofOne of the "Spiritual Gifts" that has been given to the church of Jesus Christ with the purpose of edifying and encouraging the body. When spoken in a church setting, a requirement is that it be interpreted. Thought to be a language given by the Holy Spirit and coming from the heart; the languages of man may not be capable of expressing the deep emotions involved. It has also been described as a heavenly language. Some teach that there are two kinds of tongues: one that is given in a church setting and must have an interpretation, and another is called a "prayer closet language" where the believer is privately expressing his deep feelings to God. (See Acts 2:1-13, Day of Pentecost)
TorahThe five books that were written by Moses (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy). They are also known as the Pentateuch or the Law of Moses. The Torah is the law and instruction of God's will for mankind and specifically for the Jewish people.
Tower of BabelA tower constructed in ancient Babel with the hope of reaching up to God. It was also the place where God brought confusion to their language; the result was that people had to spread out and begin to form their own tribes, tongues and nations. This account is recorded in Genesis.
traditionsThe transmission of customs or beliefs from one generation to another. Transmission usually is via oral teaching or the sharing of stories by older people with younger. Sometimes referred to as "traditions of the fathers". DTP From their Old Testament forefathers the disciples of Christ also inherited traditions, some of which were passed down through the early church.
trainTo teach a particular skill or behaviour through practice and instruction over a period of time. DTP The disciple must be trained in truth and equipped for maturity; good habits and skills do not happen by accident but come through practice. To be a soldier of Christ, trained for battle, one needs to undergo rigorous training. Both children and adults need to understand, not only good theoretical facts about their faith, but also need to know how to put those facts into practice.
transcendenceThe quality or state of being able to go outside of, or beyond, a certain normal or physical boundary. God is inside, outside and above the realm of this world. While He has created the world, He also stands outside the sphere of this world.