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ĩtxaɨĩɲã-ɨvpluck, to pluck feathersdepenartxa ĩk ĩtxaɨ; karak txa ĩtxaɨI pluck the feathers; I'm plucking chicken
ĩxi1ĩʃĩburned, dirtyqueimado, sujo
ĩxi2ĩxĩhot (like pepper)queimar (sujo de carvão)
ĩxiamaɨĩʃĩãmãvtburn s.t.queimar
ĩxiiĩʃĩ-i, ĩʃĩ-o-ɨ (?)sp. var.ĩxioɨv ref.be burnedqueimar-sewakë-ha thɨwa thai ĩxĩra yomaGirl burned in fire
ĩxioɨsp. var. ofĩxiiMoved from Lexeme Form field
ĩxiriĩʃĩrĩcfhĩthariri᷉warismell badcheirar ruim
ĩxonohĩʃõnõhlast one, at lastúltimo, finalmente
ĩyëĩɲə̃nblood (sing.)sangrentotxa ɨ̃thak ĩyëmy hand is bloody
ĩyëhaivbleed, to bleedsangrartxa ɨtha ĩyëhaɨMy (I) hand is bleeds
ĩyëpĩɲə̃pə, ĩɲə̃pinal. nounblood (plu., generic form)sangue, sangrandopiri ĩyëp wakɨThe blood is red
ĩyëpëhikĩɲə̃pəhik nblood-sticks, to weave the loinclothsangue-pauzinho para tecer a tangathɨwa kɨrayonih yɨ̃pɨhik thaweiWhen the menstruating girl will be a woman and should make small bow with chopsticks, used to weave her Pesmak (women's thong).
ĩyëpëmoĩɲũpə̃mõmenstruate (first time)menstruar pela primeira vez.
ĩyëpës txɨtxɨmoĩɲə̃-pəs tʃɨtʃɨ-mov ref.hemorrhage, continuous self-bleedinghemorragia
ĩyëphaɨivbleeding, to bleed, to let bloodsangrar, sangrando

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