tindegn1followers or subjects of a leader; disciple or apostle of a leader, originally used of a datu, now used of a panglima or chieftan. A guard working for the Penglima. 2. Soldier [sendalu] in an army. A subordinate of another, military member.Si Wan sembatu tindeg et Empu'.John is the one follower of God.Tegesembatu sitio maya neketuka tindeg et pegibuten dye.In every sitio there are assigned followers/guards of their leader.Gen. 37:36, Luke 11:1. Used extensively in Luke, 26+ times.; ketingdegan, rt. tindegsynagit 1agitan 1anad 1andel2aratbibilinanbilin 1daak 1deakenderakendereaken2ipang-ipangketingdeganmengengandelmengingibutmenginginibutpandu' 1pegenaran 1pegerapanpinegeratansara' 1sinoro'suru'2tahag 1urdin2uripen2disciples, facilitator, manager, soldier, officer, follower. cf. uripen - lower class of servant, house help, tindeg is higher class of follower, just under the king. 2. soldiers, army, military force.Sempulu' dua ketindegan i Jesus.Jesus had twelve disciples.Bibilinan - apostle key term.synbibilinanmengingibut

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