Empu'2n1God, the creator of the earth and the universe. Lord (God or Christ), owner or master, the great God above all other lesser gods. The traditional Palawano religion is animism, polytheism, and ancestor worship. But over all these deities is Empu' Banar, the god above all others. "Banar" means "True or greatest", so it would mean The "One true/greatest God". Another name for God is the "Great Weaver".Sengketegnaan ginuna et Empu' Elohim langit sampay dunya'. 2 Pegguna ye et dunya' ingga pe' dagbes beke' ingga pe' sunu'. Kelingban sen negat timbew et kerereman. Nakem et Empu' Elohim petutulibu dut timbew et danum. 3 Sinugid et Empu' Elohim, "Tumlang." Angkansa, timinlang.Gen 1:1 In the complete beginning, God Elohim created the heavens and earth. 2 He created the earth not yet formed and not yet filled- with-content. Darkness (was) above the surface of the deep. The Spirit of God glided there above the waters. 3 God Elohim said, "Become bright/light!" Therefore (it) became bright/light.Megpenelang tiu mena apang tengkapen tiu et Empu', meugad sala' tiu ginsan, sabab ba' diki tiu megsimba, diki tengkapen tiu et Empu'.We are going to church so God will recieve us, he will take away all of our sins, because if we can't praise him, God will never receive us.Enukuan taku' dimyu Empu'? Damen maya menge' empu' et parey, empu' et danum, atin ne menge' empu' et begisan, empu' et tendayag, atin ne megeayam, ara gasi megtitimuru empu et begisan megeayam et eyuyu, segua' teyeg ye dut Empu Banar dut Langit. Dut parey, maya gasi empu' et parey, suku' ye gasi dut parey, pinetimbur gasi atin ne si upu' Kuyew, empu' et parey atin ne menimbur si upu' Kuyew in, na megpebiyag et luluaken, menimbur apang diki matey, atin ne pinekeuka' tiu, kaya ne iba negbaal ba' diki yaya ye, sembebatu ye, lein lang si Empu' Banar dut Langit. Sinugid mu daken nekeuna in, natu' ke et benua ku, dut talun maya nebiri' mu dut talun maya tanduk ye, enu atin? Atin neng menge' setua pegulian dye dut talun. (Atue mena sekdan ku tiban). Prayer by Sua Puntok, a great leader of the Kepelewanan people, died 1996.; Empu'/God. Journal entry from Taya: Once Tiki [a sinner] reaches the far side of the river of fire [in Narka', Hell], he finds himself somehow transported to Empu's presence. He then tells Empu' that he has paid for his sin, that his punishment has been enough. Empu' then tells him that he can go on to Kelebegang. 'Langit' is the place where Empu' lives. it is in the shape of a 'tingkep' lid, i.e. coneshape, and it has lots of 'burit' designs on the walls/roof. Empu' lives there with some of his 'tindeg' (workers). (Many of his tindeg are down on earth guarding at Panggaws and other rituals.) Empu' has a place where he sits and a place to lay down. He lays down when he gets tired (lama) but never sleeps. If he slept he would be dead. People can't look at Empu' because of his brightness. When they go to tell him that they have paid for their sin they bow their head. The brightness won't kill them but will hurt their eyes (po'nar). Empu's tindeg (workers) can look at him though. Empu' has a body that is the size of a person. No one is sure of the details of his person, whether male or female, light hair or dark, etc.. But it is known that he (for the sake of simplicity 'he') has no equal. (Karay kaayan kenye.) If he could be seen he would be physically beautiful. He has a voice, although it is not loud. He continually looks down at loud. He continually looks down at the world. If he blinks (keprek) that is when someone will fall or get hurt. Concerning kelebegang, there are some animals such as chickens, dogs, river fish like 'peit', cows, cats, and carabaos. Seytan lives here in the world in the virgin forest areas (berang lihien). He enjoys the bad things that happen. A few say he helps with healing, but this is a result of Bible teaching they have heard saying that the 'Satan' of the Bible is the power behind the shaman's deeds. Most, especially the elders, say that he does not help with healing. Seytan is said to be good and bad. An example of one of his good deeds would be when someone plans to murder someone else Seytan would say "No, don't do it. I don't want to eat that one." By doing that he has saved a life. Page 107, Taya.; PELAWAN WORLDVIEW; POWERS THAT BE,; Eph 6:10-12 [World View paper, 1989 D&L Duhe.]; ______________________________; BEINGS | FORCES |HIGH GOD: | OTHER WORLD Empo' Banar (True) | Sukud (Luck, fate) Empo' Tigbong | Balik-mata (magic); Bantali'; LESSER GOD(S); Empo't Lugta(earth god); Empo't Parey (rice god)|; Busung (Power of personal) retribution,; there are many; violation of a taboo. |; Major Spiritual Beings:; Abet (a string/belt worn around the waist. Has compartmnets in it in which special pieces wood or prayers written on paper are put, wards off evil of various kinds.; Taaw et Bukid; Taaw et kekelyan; Taaw et Geba'.; Kewasa (Power, spiritual);; Lesser Spirits; Dowa' (incantations);; Pegtinan (taboos); Meliwanen; Lenggem;; Meningkag (prayer); Belbalan; Ururu (medicine? ritual?); Angor, tugbo', and many, many others! Ubat (medicine), (see list); Kegurunggurungan, (ancestors); Endelimew; Pegindanen (future seeing); Taaw (beings/people) Herbal Medicine; Tarus (prophet, seer); Belian (shaman); Rukuruku (the first plant); Mengururu (medicine man); Ayop (animals); Begit (birds); Sera' (fish)antSatan2synAku ne PesiAllahAllahAmpuqApu' DiyosApu' DiyosBathalaBathalabegararbegararbegbegdatu' 1DiosDiyosDiyosDiyosDyosElohimEmpo'empu'empu'-empu'kebesagan 1kebetangankehariankesurutanMaykapalMaykapalmegmimilikmegpenginunamegtu'tulduan tyumememegbegmemimituamenggegaummilik 1milik kepegbaya'pegibuten2pegibut-ibutenpengibutenpenglimaperintaSuminaladsurutanTuhanTuhanupu' 1Yahweh2Lord (Empu' or Begerar) = God, Owner, Lord, boss. 2. Begerar - Lord. 3. pengibuten - leader, the one who is followed. 4. Pengibuten na' Empu' - The leader/lord that is God, the Lord God.Lk 19:16.'Sir (Begerar), your one gold coin earned ten more"Lk 19:8.Now, Sakeo stood and said to the Lord (Begerar), 'Lord, 'Begerar'"Pegempu' - adoration, worship.; Meg-empu'- to worship God.; Pegempuen- someone is worshipping God.; Ipeg-empu'- to let someone worship God.; Umempu'- someone is worshipping God.; Neempuen- have worshipped God.synempu'

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