í2v.i:copula; be.Wedø í má.'Is it like that?', change stateí kèníconj:if it is the case.Wedø íkèní laqdira.'If that the case let him come.'COP + 'if/when'í kewaconj:only when, only if it is the case.COP + 'if/when' + onlyí nìgøconj:even if (that the case), however, but.Wedø í nìgø ngà nø mvdøng.'I won't go even if it is the case.'COP + althoughí rvtconj:because (it is the case).COP + 'because'.í weconj:however, but.Shvnglutrìí gø wedø shvgin yàngà é, íwe àng nø pá màsvre.'The Independence soldiers also threatened like that but she was not afraid.'COP + NOM