mòngn:word, saying.Jejú kèní mòng vrá nø̀ zvmì zíòe.'By grace (they) agreed and give a bride.'òng sháv.t:fluent in speech'word' +'know'mòng shvgùnv.t:chatting.'word' + CAUS + 'investigate'mòng shvtàv.t:chatting.mòng wàv.t:discuss, negotiate.mòngkàn:word of God.Mòngkà dvshangòe. '(He) preaches God's word.'Lvbán ni sǿn Gvray mòngkà tashìnv̀ng noqgú sv̀ng dììe.'We go to the church every Sunday to listen to the word of God.'Used exclusively for the word of God.mòngkà dvshangv.t:proclaim.Svra gvbàpèí mòngkà dvshang daqòe.'The teacher will proclaim the word of God.''word of God' + CAUS 'known'mòngkà svran:preacher or teacher of God's word.'word of God' + 'teacher'