nònggùnn:physical strength.Nv̀mlat dvgvp nø noqgú rì nònggùní wà yv̀ngshà.'Only in the beginning we constructed churches by physical strength alone.'Nøngmaqí nònggùn zí ràe.'We need to encourage (them).'=nònggwø̀nnònggùn lúnv.i:be satisfied; be gratified. Ngàí nø svrapè sv̀ng nø jè nònggùn lúnòe.'As for me, I am so encouraged/excited for the teacher.''strength' + 'get'nònggùn vlv.i:strong, have physical strength.Wegùng shǿng nø nònggùn vl pèí laq ríò.'Let the one who is strong carries that log.''strength' + 'have'nònggùn zaqv.i:strong, have vigour.nònggùn zív.t:encourage, exalt.Dèni svra gvbà tiqpèí pòni nònggùn èzí dv́rshà.'Today, for the whole day, we were encouraged by one great teacher.''strength' + 'give'nònggùn zìn:tonic medicine.