noq1v.t:make obeisance to, worship (any religion).ún:worship, church.Noqgú chø̀m kadv́ngte telòng gø nònggùní wádv̀ng wà yv̀ngshà.'However big the church may be, (we) could construct (it) with only our physical strength.'<Jp.noqngø̀mchø̀mn:church.Só noqngø̀mchø̀m sv̀ng dìámì.'Let's go up to the Church.''worship' + 'gather up' + 'house'noqshìv.i:convert to another religion.Bukdaq sv̀ng noqshìe.'(He) converted to Buddhism.'noqshì tvràn:religion, religious practice.noqshì vsv̀ngn:believer; usually refers to people who practice Christianity.Àngnø noqshì vsv̀ng íe.'He is a believer.'