Browse Romblomanon - English



HāninHoney, an address or reference term of endearmentcfmahal
hanigna young frond of a coconut palm, either in its sheath or newly openedKung midyu mayuta' na 'ang mayagkit, pwīdi na 'ini 'ibutang sa hanig nga ginlāya nga pusu'.When the white sticky rice is already somewhat tender, this then is ready to be put into young [coconut] fronds which have been woven for pusu sticky-rice cakes.Young coconut fronds are used for wrapping fish budbud, snack rolls pinā'is, shrimp salsa sarsa nga 'uyang, or sticky rice cakes pusu' 3, sūman.specbuntay genbuntay
haningadja deceased person'Ang hambay 'adtu naman ni haning Tāta Danti, "Kun kumari kunu 'ang sundālu ma'īhaw 'aku ning bāka."What was said by the deceased Uncle Dante [was] "When the soldiers will come I will butcher a cow."cfpatay na vSomeone dies.nahaningNa'abut kami sa 'āmun sa Rumblun, nahaning na si Mandu.When we arrived at our place in Romblon, Mando had already died.cfpatay
hantakna sitaw bean vine or fruitVigna sesquipedalis (Fruw.)n'ūtan nga hantakncoconut flavored sitaw beansnītib nga hantaknnative green bean vine or fruit
hānga'vSomeone is attracted to a person, thing, event.Gwāpu 'adtu si Taluy nang 'ūna; gāni' hānga' da si Narsing kay Taluy.That Taluy was handsome before; that's why Narsing was attracted to Taluy.Dāmu' gāni' 'ang hānga' sa pabayli nang L.C.A.There were many who were attracted to the dance of the L.C.A.
hangadvSomeone looks up at someone or something.cfbatyag1batyag1batyag1batyag1batyag1batyag1batyag1ginapurbahanginpatan'aw1li'li'li'li'li'li'li'li'li'li'li'li'li'li'lingiglingiglingiglingiglingiglingiglingiglingigmapani'īranmata mata mata mata mata mata mata nagpabatyagnamat'anpagpinangli'li'pani'id2pani'id2pani'id2pani'id2pani'id2pani'id2pani'id2purbapurbapurbapurbapurbapurbapurbasiru'siru'siru'siru'siru'siru'siru'siru'atan'awtan'awtan'awtan'awtan'awtan'awtan'awtutuktutuktutuktutuktutuktutuktutuktutukunhumangad, naghangadKung humangad si Nardu pa'ibabaw kīta' gid si 'Īna sa bintāna'.When Nardo looked up above, Ena was clearly seen at the window.naghināngad1ti gerafter or upon someone's looking upSi 'Ulība hay naghināngad lang sa tayud kay 'ang gustu niya hay makīta' kamu nga tatlu dira'.Oliva just kept on looking up to the mountain because what he wanted was to see you three there.Hay paghangad nāmun nakīta' nāmun 'ang manga tāwu na sakay nang 'iruplānu.Upon looking up we saw the people who were riding in the airplane.cfbatyag1li'li'lingigmata pani'id2purbasiru'tan'awtutuk2vSomething is raised on an angle by someone.Kung pungku'an mu, hay hangad 'ang sa may duyut kag mababa' 'ang ginapungku'an.When [a copra gouger] will be sat on by you, that which has a point is raised (i.e., it is on an upward angle) and that which is sat on is low.
hanggangprepuntil, up to a specified timeTūna' pa kami nang Pibrīru nagpu'pu' ning mangga hanggang nyan.Since February we picked mango fruits until now.Magtūna' sa primīru nga līlas mabīlang ka ning 'isa hanggang baynti 'ūnu lilas sa tigtagsa.Beginning from the first buri strip you will count up to twenty-one buri strips one by one.
hānginnair, windHābang si Buy hay nagasūka, ginabanyusan siya nang 'iya lūla ning nilā'ub nga dāhun nang katumbay sa 'iya tiyan pāra 'indi' siya sapdukun hāngin.While Boy was vomiting, he was having slowly heated chili pepper leaves applied by his grandmother onto his stomach so that he would not have air enter him.Pa'unu ka matuyūgan? Kay 'ang 'īmu nababati'an hay 'ang hinagubhub nang hāngin.How can one sleep? Because what was able to be clearly heard by one is the continuous howling of the wind.Part/whole: huyup 'puff', 'breath'. Sound: hinagubhub 'continuous howling of the wind'.nhanginvThe wind blows.nagahangin blows
hāngitvSomeone becomes'aburīdu'aburīdu'īnit 'ang 'ūyu'īnit 'ang 'ūyuna'aburīdunagpa'īnit sa 'ūyupa'ugūtan'ugut 'ugut hangit, nahāngitadjSomeone is angry.Kung 'aku nagarasun, 'ang 'ākun būsis, hay daw hangit pīru bukun 'aku hangit; tyad lang gida 'ina' kung 'aku nagahambay.When I discuss, as for my voice, it seems that [it is] angry but I am not angry; that's just the way it is when I speak.Pagkabati' nang 'āmun 'inirgūhan hay humalin si Birta sa 'iya pagkā'un kay nahāngit siya.After hearing our conversation, Bertha left her food because she was angry.hinangitanagf recip vTwo or more become angry with each other.kahāngitnsomeone's or something's angerDaku' gid 'ang kahāngit ni Turing nang 'iya mabati'an 'adtu balīta'.The anger of Toring was very great when she heard that'aburīdu'īnit 'ang 'ūyu'ugut maghinangitanYa' kita nga duha mag'āway, pāra nga kita hay maghinangitan.We don't quarrel, otherwise we will become angry with each other.mahāngitMahāngit 'aku sa 'īmu kung 'indi' mu 'aku taw'an pagkā'un.I will become angry with you if I am not given food by you.
hapakadjA person lacking a sense of sanitation is given to dirty habits.
haphap1vSomething is felt around for or groped for by someone; someone is frisked by someone else.ginahaphapPagkatāpus ning hību', 'ibutang 'ang pinutus nga buyung sa limpyu nga pinggan; butangan ning ma'isut nga tūbi' kag ginahaphap nang miyugbūyung kung 'anu 'ang yadtu.After rubbing [back and forth on the body], the wrapped medicine is put in a clean plate; into it is put a little water and [something] is felt around for by the herbalist [to find out] what there is there.Something might be felt around for or groped for because it is in the dark or in murky water, or the one groping is blind.haphap2gersomeone's feeling around or groping; someone's friskingKung natāpus mu na ning haphap, 'īmu na 'alsahun ning dahandāhan 'ang 'īmu 'ayat pāra makīta' mu kung may suyud nga 'uyang 'u waya'.When the feeling around is finished by you, your colander basket brook shrimp scoop should then be slowly raised up by you to find out if there are brook shrimp inside or not.haphapunKung masapya nga haphapun 'ang hambay nang miyugbūyung hay baybay kunu 'ang nabu'uy.If [the medicine concoction] is rough to feel around for, the herbalist says that it was sand that was removed [from the body].
haplakadjSomething expandable is bulging or filled out.'Aba! Dyis minūtus baya nga 'āmun nahūyug 'ang pūkut, nakīta' nāmun nga haplak na 'ang pūkut.Oh! Maybe it was only ten minutes after the net was able to be fed out by us, we saw that the net was already bulging [because it was full of fish].
hapnigvSomeone lying prone or an elongated object turns in a longitudinal arc.ginapahapnigKung 'aku 'ina' nagatampuy hay tyad 'ina': ginapahapnig ning pakuyub, tuyu sa 'ibābaw, tuyu sa 'ubus, kag tapus butangan ku ning 'isa nga pakurus.When I place a [poultice] covering, it is like this: [the leaves] are turned upside down, three on top, three below, and then [they] will have one [piece] put crosswise by me.pahapnigcaus vSomeone lying prone or an object is turned or turned over in a vertical arc by someone.
hapslipna half slipspeckamisun
hāpu'vSomeone experiences difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath.ginahāpu'Hasta diri na lang 'ang 'isturya ku kay ginahāpu' na 'aku kung dūgay 'aku ning hambay.My story ends right here because I now experience difficulty in breathing if I talk a long time.mahāpu''Kahuga' kunu 'ang 'atlit kay mahāpu'; tāpus hay 'īmu lāwas may ginamangnu ka pa; naganīwang ka pa.[To be] an athlete, they say, is difficult because you will experience difficulty in breathing; then in your body there is something you sense [that is wrong]; you then become skinny.
hapūhapvSomeone lightly touches someone else or something.cfkablitkawkawkinablitnagakawkawginhinapūhapNagkanta si Marya, "Kasīli, lumuwas ka! Kasīli, lumuwas ka!" Ginhinapūhap niya 'ang kasīli nang nagakanta siya.Mary sang, "Eel you come out! Eel you come out!" The eel was lightly touched all over by her while she sang.cfkablitkawkawmaghapūhapvSomeone or something is lightly touched by someone else.Hay pag'abut ku didtu, 'ay gustu ni Kiling nga maghapūhap 'aku nang 'iya likud kay kasakit kunu.Upon my arrival there, what Kiling wanted was that I would lightly touch her back because, she said, it was painful.
hāpunnafternoon, i.e., any period from about one p.m. to five p.m.May yāra' nga nagapanamkun nga ginahagkut kāda hāpun.There are some who have pregnancy cravings, who feel cold every afternoon.PagkaLūnis nang hāpun nagsaylu na kami 'ini niyan kana Lu'is, kay didtu kami matūyug.When it was Monday afternoon we transferred at this time to [the house of] Luis and family, because we were going to sleep there.Naka'abut 'aku diri sa bayay 'iksaktu nga 'alas tris na nang hāpun.I was able to reach here at the house at exactly three o'clock in [lit., of]] the afternoon.Periods within an afternoon have a possessed (i.e., part-whole) relationship with 'afternoon', beginning about one p.m. 'ala 'ūna nang hāpun to about five p.m. 'alas singku nang hāpun.'ihāpun1Someone eats supper; a supper meal.hāpun nati nlate afternoon, from about 3:00 p.m. to almost 6:00 p.m.Waya' da si Nīna nakabakay ning balinghuy kay hāpun na.Nena was unable to buy cassava because it was late afternoon.hapunhāpun1nevening twilightNagapandābuk sinda kung hapunhāpun kay 'ang namuk.They build fires when it is evening twilight because of mosquitoes.2v[It] becomes lateka'īna nang hāpun1ti advthis past afternoonBudlay 'aku ka'īna nang hāpun kay nagtrabāhu kita ning tūdu.I was tired this past afternoon because we worked hard.kahāpun1ti advyesterdayNakapamāti' kunta' kita ning mīting kahāpun kung waya' mag'uyan.Probably we would have been able to listen to the meeting yesterday if it had not rained.kasanghāpun1ti advday before yesterdayma'āyu nga hāpun, ma'āyung hāpuninjGood afternoon!'Ang hambay ku, "Ma'āyu nga hāpun"; tapus nagsabat da si Nīna sa 'ākun nga "Dāyun."I said, "Good afternoon"; then Nena answered me, "Come in".maghāpun1nthe whole dayManga tuyu ka 'adlaw buyad, 'uga nga dā'an 'ang niyug basta tudutūdu 'ang sīlak maghāpun.[After] about three days drying, the coconut fruit will be dry then if the sunlight is very strong the whole day.2Ka'ūna 'adtu tanan bāgu maghāpun!Eat all of it before [it] becomes late!naghāpunDūgay ninda ning pangīta' hasta naghāpun hay waya' da gihāpun ninda makīta'.[It] was searched for a long time until [it] became late but [it] was still not found by them.pagkahāpunadvWhen it is afternoon, something happens or a state exists.Hay pagkahāpun naman 'ina', Martis na nang hāpun, nagkadtu kami kana Manang Zenaida kay 'imaw 'ang 'āmun 'inirgūhan.When [it was] afternoon again, that Tuesday afternoon we went to [the house of] older sister Petra and family because we told our stories to each other there.Hambay ku hay sīgi, makara' gāling kami sa hāpun.I said, go ahead for we all will just come in the afternoon.