Browse Romblomanon - English



ka1t pronYou (sg.) do something; you are in a particular state; you have something done to you; you have something; you have a particular designation; you are allowed by someone to do something or have something done to you.Occurs as sentence topic following the predicate. For the topic pronoun preceding the predicate, see 'ikaw.Mabinākay ka ning pitsipitsi, gaginastu ka lang.You will keep on buying junk food; you just keep on spending.Ma'āyu pa Lukring 'umasāwa ka liwat kay bāta' ka pa da.It is good Lukring that you will take a spouse again because you are still young.Kung 'ina' halimbāwa' nga bāka 'u karabaw nga prindādu sa 'īmu kag gustu nga 'ibaligya' nang tag'īya dāpat hay pasayūrun ka nga ginprindahan.If, for example, a cow or carabao which is mortgaged to you, and the owner wants to sell [it], you, the one who was given the mortgage, should be'ikaw t pronOccurs pre-verb following preposed substantives-nouns, nominalized verbs, demonstrative pronouns.'Adtu 'ang dagku' nga tināpay, sa panadirya ka gid magbakay.As for those large buns, at the bakery is where you should buy them.Kung didtu ka nakapangasāwa, sigurādu nga dira' ka nga lugar ma'istar na ning pirmaminti ka'ibāhan 'ang 'īmu pamilya.If you take a spouse there (i.e., in a given place), surely you will live in that place along with your'ābir sin'u1'ābir sin'u2bīsan kanin'u2bīsan kanin'u2t pronOccurs pre-verb following negatives and existentials.'Ini 'ang kandīla' puydi 'ini nga 'iwag sa bayay kung gab'i pāra nga 'indi' ka na magbakay ning pitrulyu.It is possible for this candle to be a light in the house when it is night so that you will not buy kerosene.'Ayaw na 'ābi mag'asāwa kay 'igwa ka ning supurta sa 'upisīna.Please do not take a spouse, because you have your office pension.Kung 'ikaw hay malūya sa pamāti' waya' ka na parti sa pagkā'un.If you are slow in hearing, you have no share in eating.t pronOccurs pre-verb following adverbs.Nagapahambug ka na hay kasan'u ka lang nagsamput diri.You are becoming proud already when you have just arrived.Puydi ka maka'istar 'ābir san'u basta gustu mu.It is possible for you to stay anytime provided you want to.Di'in ka mabu'uy nang 'īmu kaka'ūnun masunud nga 'adlaw?Where will you get that which you will be able to eat the next day?indef pronanyone, one; used in hypothetical expressionsOccurs pre-verb following the temporal conjunction bāgu.Bāgu ka mag'ūli' sa Rumblun, tudlu'i 'ānay 'ang 'īmu manga ka'ibāhan!Before you go back to Romblon, your [working] associates must first be taught!Kung ma'āyu da 'ang tag'īya nga 'īmu mabakyan ning buli hay ginataw'an ka da ning pa'āman.If the owner from whom one will buy the buri [palm fronds] is kind, one will be given an extra one.Bihīra' ka 'ini makakīta'; 'ini nga manuk naga'istar siya sa kaguyāngan.It is rare that anyone will see this; this kind of chicken stays in the forest.Pa'unu ka matuyūgan? Kay 'ang 'īmu nababati'an hay 'ang hinagubhub nang hāngin.How can one sleep? Because what has been able to be clearly heard by one is the continuous howling of the'ikaw indef pronUsed euphemistically for 'I'.'Inang 'ākun 'asāwa, nang 'ūna 'ina' nang nagapangasawa pa lang, maskin di'in ka makadtu manunut 'itun.As for my husband, before when that one was courting me, anywhere one went this one would'ābir sin'u2kanin'u2
ka2num ligLinks a number or pila 'how many' with a thing or a measure of something.A measure phrase is followed by nga and the noun it quantifies.'Isa ka 'adlaw nakabati' 'ining manga 'unga' ning bagting nang simbāhan.One day these children heard the church bell.'Ang 'isa ka bilug nga kawāyan hay baynti 'ang ma'intik; waya' ka pa ning mabakyan.As for one piece of bamboo, a small one is twenty [pesos]; there is no place for you to buy.num ligFollows a number phrase consisting of a number and adjectives such as pa, lang, pa lang.Nang 'umasāwa na kami, hay tatlu pa lang ka 'adlaw hay naghambay siya nga 'indi' siya gustu na magtinir didtu sa 'āmun bayay.When we married, after only just three days she said that she did not want to stay there in our house.num ligFollows the number adjective pila.'Ari nyan ya' ku pa da masasayūri kung pila ka 'iktarya 'ang 'ākun ning dūta'.As of now, [it] is still not able to be known at all by me how many hectares my land holdings [amounts to].num ligRomblomanon numbers from one to ten are linked with a thing or a measure of something by the ligature ka; eleven and higher are not usually linked by a ligature: 'unsi gantas 'eleven gantas'. Numbers of Spanish origin are not linked by a number ligature: dyis gantas 'ten gantas'.Nagbakay si Ramun ning 'unsi sāga' nga 'isda'.Ramon bought eleven strings of fish.Follows measurements of length, major time segments, volume and weight (see Appendices 18, 19)
ka-1varki-1neg abl agfprefSomeone or something is not or was not able to do something.'Igwa ning 'unga' nga 'indi' kapānaw kag 'indi' kahambay.There is a child who is not able to walk and not able to talk.Waya' da kunta' 'ina' si Nardu kapangasāwa sa 'ākun kung bukun si Mamay Dilya.Nardo would probably not have been able to court me if it had not been for Mother Delia.cfma-1 mag- mag- mag- magka- magka- magka- magka- maka-1maka-4maka-4maka-4nag- nag- nag- naga- naga- naka-2 naka-2 naka-2 naka-2 -um-um- -um-
ka-2varki-2adj dervprefDerives an adjective.For intensive ka- adjectives, see D 1a.Kabug'at na gali' si Birting; 'indi' ku na madāya.Berting is already heavy; [he] can no longer be lifted by me.'Ābir 'anu nga kabū'ut 'ang tāwu, basta sya hay mag'inum nang tyad 'ini nga manga 'ilimnānun, 'ina' 'ang nakakabayung; makikīta' mu gid 'ang 'ipiktu.Even though a person is gentle, if he drinks intoxicating drinks like these, that is what causes one to repeatedly become drunk; the effects can really be seen by you.synma-2na-
ka-2sp. var. ofki-3
ka-an1abl locf affA person, place or thing is able to be the location of an action performed by someone.A minor form; more common, ma-an.Kung waya' ning parūla, hay 'indi' masayūran nang kapitan nang salakyan kung malapit na 'ang lugar nga 'inda kakadtu'an.If there is no lighthouse, the pilot of the boat will not know if the place to which they are able to go is already near.synma-an cf- an gina-an gina-i giN-an giN-an -in-an4-in-an4ma-an ma-an ma-ina-anna-i nasayangan1pag-i
ka-an2pl affDescribes a plural number of objects denoted by the root.In some instances the plural form retains length, and in others it is lost. Other examples: pispis bird, kapispisan birds; saysay life experience, kasaysāyan life experiences; sūgu' command, instruction, kasugu'an commands, instructions; 'ambu' rat, ka'ambu'an rats; 'ugāli custom, habit, ka'ugali'an customs, habits; bāta' young person, kabatā'an young people.Kung waya' syay suya' ginapangnguyāban nya 'ang 'iya ka'unga'an hasta 'asāwa.If he has no side dish, his children were scolded by him [and] also his wife.synma-an loc n derv affDescribes an area which is characterized by objects denoted by the root.batu stone, kabatuhan stony areaDiri 'ini siya naga'istar sa kabatuhan nga lugar, lālu' pa sa 'idāyum nang batu nga pantay dira' gid 'ina' 'ang 'inda gustu nga 'istaran.This one (i.e., a ruby triton mollusk) stays here in a stony area, especially under a flat stone.n derv affDerives a noun from an adjective.In some instances the derived form retains length, and in others it is lost. Other examples: balinghuy cassava, kabalinghuyan cassava grove; būkid hill, mountain, kabukīran hill or mountain area; buli buri palm, kabulihan buri palm grove; humay rice plant, kahumayan rice plant area; kūgun cogon grass, kakugnan cogon grass area; lāti' woodlot, kalatī'an woodlot area; lūnang mud, kalunāngan muddy area; lūsay shallow-ocean seaweed, kalusāyan shallow-ocean seaweed area; niyug coconut palm, kanyūgan coconut grove; punta end, kapuntāhan end area.n derv affkahuga' difficult, kahugā'an difficulty, hardship'Ang kahugā'an sa pagpangabuhi' hay 'isa gid nga dahilan nga kung bāsi' 'ang 'isa nga tāwu hay naga'īsip nga magkadtu sa 'iban nga lugar.Hardship in life is one reason why some people consider going to other places.n derv affDerives a noun from a verb.Other derivations: bulgar indecent, vulgar, kabulgaran indecency, vulgarity; kahāba' long, kahabā'an ceiling joist; kūyang inadequate, kakuyangan inadequacy; nilāngas humorous, kalangāsan joke; kalā'in bad, difficult, evil, severe, kala'īnan badness, difficulty, evil, severity; kalīpay happy, kalipāyan happiness; mālas bad, kamalāsan bad luck; matū'ud true, kamatu'ūran truth; tāpus finished, katapūsan end.n derv aff'iba 'accompanies someone', 'stay together', ka'ibāhan 'associate', 'companion'Bāgu ka mag'ūli' sa Rumblun, tudlu'i 'ānay 'ang 'īmu manga ka'ibāhan!Before you go back to Romblon, your [working] associates must first be taught!n derv affOther derivations: lībut goes around, kalibūtan the earth; lūku is fooled, kalukūhan foolishness; sīra' breaks, damages, destroys, kasira'an breakdown, damage, decay, destruction.
ka'abtikvarma'abtikunspec. comp. form of'abtik
ka'abtik'abtikunspec. comp. form of'abtik
ka'ibahan, ka'ibāhanvar'ība1