Browse Romblomanon - English



tinūya1nseafood stew, including food such as cuttlefish, fish or squid'Inda ngāni' suya' sa 'igma' hay tinūya nga 'isda'.Their side dish for lunch is fish stew.Seafood stew is prepared by cooking in a moderate amount of water with leafy vegetables such as kangkong leave, young sweet potato leaves 'usbud or young leaves of a malunggay'inaslumankaldirīta
tingantooth food particles, left between the teeth as a result of eating
tingāyavSomeone is surprised about something.natingāyaNatingāya 'ang lyāki kay maskin kasan'u waya' pa gid siya makakīta' ning 'isda' nga nagahambay.The man was surprised because he had not at any time seen a fish which talked.
tingga'nwelding solder, usually in the form of a bar or wire coilna lead sinker for a fish line or fishnet pūkutMas magū'ud 'ang pagtakud nang pataw kaysa tingga'.The attaching of the fishnet floaters [to a large-mesh net] is closer [together] than [that of] the sinkers.Sinkers along the bottom edge of a fishnet pūkut 1 along with floaters pataw at the top cause the net to stand in a vertical position.
tinggaskatinggas, matinggasadjCorn or rice is of good quality.
tinggilnthe clitoris of a female
tingi'vSomeone buys rice.cfbakay2katatangwaymabakyantangway'itingi''Ang 'iba naman nga waya' ning 'ikakāya nga 'itingi' ning bugas pāra bubud sa 'inda manuk 'ang 'inda 'ini ginabūbud hay niyug nga ginatuktuk ning pīnu.Some who have nothing which can be used as a resource which could be used for buying rice as feed for their chickens; what they feed is coconut meat chopped into thin [pieces].ginatingi''Ang pinasuhūyan nang 'āmun nanay, 'imaw 'ina' 'ang 'āmun ginatingi' ning bugas, ginabakay 'asin kag pitrulyu.As for [the money] earned by our mother, that is what is used by us for buying rice, [and for] buying salt and kerosene.nagtingi'Nag'inūyan; gāni' diri na lang sinda nagtingi' ning bugas sa būkid.It continually rained; this is the reason they just bought rice here in the rural area.natingi'vMoney is used by someone for buying rice.Waya' siya ning natingi' nga bugas, 'ābir 'isa ka kīlu.He was not able to buy rice, [not] even one kilogram.pantīngi', pangtīngi'pur gerSomething is used for buying rice.'Ang tāwu nga madali' ma'utu'utu', bīsan pantīngi' na ning bugas, 'itatangway pa nya ning tuba'.A person who becomes easily fooled, even though [it] is for buying rice, [it] still will be used by him for repeatedly buying coconut wine.cfbakay2tangway
tingku'vSomething is struck on a hard surface by someone.natingku'Naguna'an 'ang pinggan kay natingku' sa dapayan.The dish was slightly cracked because it happened to be struck on the chopping board.
tinguha'2vSomeone tries hard to do something.cfgin'intris'intirisādu vnagapaningūha'Nagapaningūha' 'aku sa pagbakay ning manga dulsi kag magtyutyinda 'aku.I continually try hard to buy candies and casually sell'intiris nagtinguha'Nagtinguha' 'aku pagkari sa Manīla' kay bulīgan ku 'ikaw pagtrabāhu.I kept on trying to come to Manila because you will be helped by me in working.
tinguyānunvar'uyan 1the rainy season
tipdasnmeasles, an infectious disease that is characterized by fever and small red spots which cover the body
tipmisyurna seamstress's or tailor's tape measure; a cloth measure usually graduated in both inches and centimetersspecmitrūsanmitrūsan nga kāhuypulgadīragenmitrūsan nga kāhuypulgadīraUsed to take someone's measurement sukuyan nang pagsūkuy for sewing clothes.18, Linear Measurement
tīpunvPeople, a substance, things, gather or gather together in a particular location.cfginahīpidhīpidhīpidkamādanatatāgu'2pangtagū'un, tagū'unplastartāgu'2tāgu'2tatāgu'tatāgu'magtīpunDāpat gid magtīpun kita ning paywa pāra kung 'umuyan, 'igwa kita ning gatung.[It] should be that we gather coconut fronds so that if it will rain we have cooking fuel.makatīpunKahuga' 'ang nagapamutut kay kadūgay ka da makatīpun ning daku' sa 'īmu pilit'an.The gathering of pond-field shrimp is difficult because it takes a long time before you will be able to gather many in your container.matīpun, magatīpunMatīpun 'aku ning kwarta pāra magkabayay.I will save money so that I will be able to own a house.Nakatāpus kami pamāhaw, ginghambay ku naman 'ang 'ākun 'asāwa kag manga 'unga' nga dāpat gid magatīpun kita ning paywa.When we finished eating breakfast my spouse and my children were told by me that we should gather coconut frond stems.nagatīpunvSomeone gathers or saves something for later use.Na'ubsirbahan niya sa 'iban nga bayay nga 'ang tūbi' hay sīgi lang 'ang 'īlig kag 'igwa kunuy lam'aw nga didtu gatīpun 'ang tūbi' sa 'imburnal.[It] was observed by him in some houses that, as for the water, the flow is just continuous and, they say, the water that gathers in the ditches becomes stagnant.nagtīpunNang Byarnis Santu hay nagtīpun naman kami kay 'imaw na 'adtu 'ang katapūsan na prusisyun.During Good Friday we again gathered together because that was the last procession.pagkatīpunabl gersomeone's being able to gather or save somethingNakatīpun da kami kwarta pīru mahuga' lang 'ang pagkatīpun 'adtuy kwarta kay kabaratubarātu 'ang 'isda'.We were able to save money but the ability to save that money was difficult because fish was very cheap.cfhīpidtāgu'2tatāgu'pagtīpun'Ang 'īmu naman 'ini pagtīpun, hay ginabugkus.As for your gathering of these [buri strips], [they] are tied in a bundle.tinipunnsavings, usually money'Ang hambay niya sa 'ākun hay matīpun 'ānay kami kwarta kay kahuga' 'ang nagapamilya nga waya' tinipun nga kwarta.He said to me that we will first save money because it is difficult having a family when there are no money savings.
tīrana camera shot of someone or somethingKung pūru tigdūha ka kupya kāda 'isa ka tīra hay masāpit sa syintu saysinta 'utsu 'ang bayāran ku.If there are always two copies for each shot [of pictures taken], my payment will reach one hundred sixty eight [pesos].nthe shot of a gun, the throw of a spearvSomeone shoots someone or something with a gun; someone spears someone else or something.Kung ginatīra mu, 'indi' mu na makilāya nga lūkus.When [a squid] is speared by you, you will no longer be able to recognize that [it is] a squid.
tirdord numa third year of high school or college, third honor in school, third-place winnerFor a statement about high school year designations, see pirst.syn'ikatlu, pangatlu, pangtatlupangatlu, 'ikatlupangatlu, 'ikatlupangtuyu, 'ikatuyupangtuyu, 'ikatuyupangtuyu, 'ikatuyutirsīra, tirsīrutirsīrutirsīru22, Ordinal Numbers
tirikna sea urchinBu'akun 'ang tirik; pagkatāpus kutsarāhun 'ang 'unud.The sea urchin should be broken open; afterwards the meat should be spooned out.
tirilinna fishhook flyA small bundle of colorful fibers about 3 to 4 cm. long fastened to a fly fastener bagu which, together, are fastened to a fishhook to resemble an insect, as bait to catch fish. Used especially on a multiple-hook fishing line labay.
tirminunan agreed-upon time allotment in a contract; a time extension as in the payment of a debt; a set life span'Ang 'iya 'ini ning kabūhi' hay 'igwa 'ini ning tirminu kay kung kagūyang na 'ini sinda hay namamatay.As for the life of these [heart cockle mollusks, they] have a set life span because when they are already old they die.