tīmakvSomeone, a foot steps on something.'itīmakvSomeone is despised by someone else.'Ang ginasuksuk 'adtu nang 'ūna nga sinīlas hay bakya' nga kāhuy; nga kung 'īmu 'itīmak naganilagātuk.The slippers that [we] wore at that time were wooden slippers; if [they] would be used by you for stepping they were very heavy.magpatīmak'Indi' gid 'aku magpatīmak; magka'unu'ūnu man tāwu lang kita.I will not allow someone to despise [me]; we are only human.matimakanvParticular footwear are used by someone for stepping.'Ini nga sīhi', kung 'īmu matimakan hay mapipīlas 'ang 'īmu siki'.This [dentalium inaequicostatum] mollusk, if you happen to step on [it] your feet will surely be accidentally wounded.nagatīmak'Ang 'īmu siki nagatīmak gid ma'āyu sa tilhang nang niyug nga pāra 'indi' ka mahūyug.Your feet should step very carefully on the tree footholds of the coconut palm in order that you will not fall down.natimākanNang daw nakīta' ninda nga 'asinsu na, daw lubug na sinda; naging mababa' 'aku parīhu kung sa tāwu hay natimākan ka na.When [it] was found out by them that they were already successful, it seemed [to them that] they were already rich; I became poor [in relation to them] like a person that was already despised by someone.pagtimākiimper vSomeone must not or should not be despised by someone else!Used in a negative construction.Manggarānun 'ikaw, pubri 'aku, pīru 'ayaw gid 'aku pagtimāki, kay waya' ta 'ikaw pagtimāki nang pagpalapit mu sa 'ākun!You are rich, I am poor, but I should not be despised because you were not despised by me upon your coming near me!patīmakcaus vSomeone allows or causes someone else to despise her or him.timākan'Igwa pa gid ning 'anītu nga kung timākan kunu nang sapātus nang babāyi 'ang sapātus nang lyāki, 'ina' kunu hay magiging 'andir disāya 'ang lyāki.There is still a taboo that when the shoes of the man will be stepped on by the girl [bride], that [man] will become henpecked.

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