mangnuvSomeone or something notices, senses or feels that a particular event happens or that a particular state exists.cfnabistukamangnuvA particular event or situation is sensed or noticed by someone or something.May bīsis gid nga 'indi' kamangnu 'ang manuk nga munga' 'ang banug nagagulpi lang tugpu' sa tungud nang 'isiw.There are times when the mother chicken does not sense [danger] that a hawk just quickly swoops down near the baby chicks.May namangnuhan 'aku nga masakit sa 'akun ka'ugalīngun.Sickness in my own body was noticed by me.makakamangnu'Ang 'iya tatay hay waya' pa makakamangnu nga si Lībi hay patay na.His father had not yet clearly sensed that Levi was already dead.makamangnuGāni' 'ina' 'ang pilit'an hay ginapilu'pilu' gid 'ina' ning na ma'āyu kay kung 'indi' mu pilu'un makamangnu ka lang waya' da 'ang 'īmu putut sa pilit'an.As for that container, it is folded very carefully several times because, if it is not folded by you, you will sense that your small shrimp are no longer in the container.mamangnuhanvSomeone wakes up from sleeping or becomes conscious from a particular condition.Kung mamangnuhan ninda nga 'igwa ning tāwu, nagakīpu' 'ina' 'ang 'inda ba'ba'.When [it] is sensed by them (i.e., rude pen mollusks) that there is a person [present], their valves close.cfbistunakamangnu1Kung sinda nakamangnu ning gūtum malupad naman sinda kag mangīta' ning nagaluta' nga 'isda'.When they sense hunger they will fly and look for fish swimming in a school.nakamangnu2'Isa ka hanāgub na nang gab'i, si Līlay, hay nakamangnu sa 'iya kadāyum nga pagkatūyug.One late evening, as for Lilay, [she] happened to wake up from her sound sleeping.namamangnuhanNamamangnuhan mu 'ina' nga 'ang 'īmu manga manuk hay gina'ābut ning pisti kay makikīta' mu lang 'ina' hay nagayungyung na, 'indi' na magtuka'.[It] will surely be noticed by you that, as for your cared-for chickens, [they] are attacked by fowl pox because you will really be able to see that they are already drooping their heads [and] they no longer eat by pecking.

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