tumukvSomething is crushed or pulverized by someone, a hand, an instrument.gintumuk'Adtu 'ang tāwas 'ākun gintumuk nang 'ākun kamut hay mayuta', kung matugas nga tumukun 'ina' kunu hay malā'in, pīru 'adtu kay mayuta' hay ma'āyu kunu.Those alum crystals were pulverized by me with my hand and it (i.e., the resulting powder) was fine textured.natumukKung natumuk na 'ang 'uyang kag 'ang manga lakut 'ihālu' mu na 'ang 'īmu niyug nga kināyus sa 'uyang nga 'īmu hinālu' sa lusung.When the shrimp and the [other] ingredients have already been able to be crushed, then your grated coconut should be mixed by you into the shrimp which has been mixed by you in the mortar.

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