sūgatvSomeone fetches someone else.cfkarga paday'anginapasūgatGinapasūgat nang manga magūyang nang 'ākun ginapangasawa sa Tablas 'ang 'ākun tatay.My father was caused by the parents of the one I was courting in Tablas to be fetched [by me].cfdaya ginsūgat, sinūgatMa'āyu lang kay na'amānan 'adtu kay ginsūgat nang 'asāwa ku 'ang midwayp nga si Mīsis Rāmus.It was good because as quickly as possible the midwife, Mrs. Ramos, was fetched by my husband.Nang si 'Uhin hay nag'idad na ning pitu ka tū'ig sa pudir nang 'iya lūlu hay sinūgat na siya nang 'iya tatay pāra mag'iskwīla sa pirmīru grādu.When Ohin had been seven years under the care of his grandfather he was fetched by his father because he would study in first grade.masūgatvSomeone is fetched by someone else.Nagdyāgan na 'ang 'angkul ni Birting pakarsāda kay masūgat ning miyugbūyung.The uncle of Berting ran, going along the road, so that he would fetch a herbalist.pagsūgatti gerafter or upon someone's being fetchedPagsūgat naman 'adtu nang 'iban, yadtu na da hambay 'adtung kaptin nang baryu, "'Ang manga naga'ibakwit, 'indi' diri magtinir sa baybāyun."Upon some of those being fetched, that village leader said, "Those who are evacuating, do not stay here along the beach."pasūgatcaus vSomeone is allowed or caused by someone to be fetched by someone else.pinasūgatPinasūgat na da 'ang nanay ni Lībi sa 'inda bayay.The mother of Levi was then caused to be fetched from their house.sugātunPagkakīta' kay Lurit hay nagpana'ug sa bayay 'ang 'iya lūla, pāra sugātun siya.Upon seeing Loret, his grandmother went down from the house so that he would be fetched.

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