sūkanvomitMay bayung nga nagapanunūka na nagalīgid na sa 'iya sūka.There is a drunk person who vomits all over who then lies down on his vomit.gersomeone's vomitingPagkatāpus niya sūka dira' sa baybay, nag'ūli' na kami sa bayay.After his vomiting there at the seashore, we returned then to the house.vSomeone or something vomits.'isūkaKung tināpay 'ang 'īmu ginkā'un nga may kilkig, 'imaw da 'ina' 'ang 'īmu 'isūka.If one has eaten bread which has poison, that's one thing that will be vomited by one.ginsūka'Ang 'iya ginsūka hay tūbi' nga kulur duyaw parīhu gid ning kulur nang bir.What was vomited by him was water which was yellow in color just like the color of beer.masūkavSomething is vomited by someone.Masūka 'ikaw 'ina' nga masūka hasta nga ma'isūka mu 'adtu 'ang 'īmu ginkā'un 'u gin'inum nga may kilkig.You will vomit and vomit until that which you ate or drank which has poison will be vomited by you.nagpanunūkaBāgu kami nakasakay pakadtu sa 'āmun paga'istaran hay nagpanunūka 'ānay 'aku sa 'alīhid nang manga kutsi kag dyip.Before we were able to ride going to the place where we stay I vomited all over on the sides of cars and jeeps.nagsinūkaYāra' pa lang 'aku sa Puntang kawāyan; nagsinūka 'aku kay kabaskug.I was still just there at Puntang Kawāyan; I kept on vomiting because it was rough.sūka ma'ūyu ('ūyu2 2)diarrhea

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