kumadripers ref nCo-parent-in-law, i.e., the parent of one's child-in-lawPag'abut ni Māming kag ni Kumpadri Rubin, hambay ku sa 'inda, "Pagtagāna kamu ning tuba' nga 'isa ka bul!"When Mother and Co-parent-in-law Ruben arrived, I told them, "Set aside one liter of coconut wine!"Hay kay nakukuyābus sinda sa kwarta, nagsūlat diri si kumadri 'Īna nga ginapabaligya' 'ang 'inda trak.Because they repeatedly ran out of money, Co-parent-in-law Ena sent a letter here that their truck had been caused [by her] to be sold.speckumāri kumpāri genkumāri kumpāri 23, Social Relationshipspers ref nmagkumadrinco-parents-in-law, i.e., the relationship between the parent of the bride and the parent of the groomspecmagkumārimagkumpārigenmagkumārimagkumpāri

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