pungku'vSomeone sits down or sits on something.magpungku'Pāra kunu pariparīhu 'ang pagsinundānan nang mag'asawa hay kung sinda magluhud kag magpungku' sa 'atubāngan nang 'altar mintras sinda ginakasay hay dungan sinda pirmi.In order that the companionship of the couple is equal when they kneel or sit in front of the altar while they have their wedding they should always do it together.nagapungku'May yāra' pa gid nga tāwu nga, 'ābir nagapungku' sa bangku', hay natutuyūgan.There are surely some people who, even though they sit on chairs, are surely able to sleep.nagpungku', pumungku'Waya' nagahigda' si Maridyun; nagpungku' siya nagasandig sa dingding.Mary June was not lying down; she sat down leaning against a wall.Pumungku' si Lūlu nga gība niya si 'Ulība.Grandfather sat down and Oliva sat on his lap.pagpungku'1imper vSomeone should or must sit down!Pagpungku' lang kamu kag magdasay!You should just sit down and pray!2vA chair, bench, suitable object is sat on by someone.pagpungku', pungku'gersomeone's sitting, sitting down or sitting on somethingGinagamun ninda 'ang tāma' nga paghūkay parīhu nang pagpungku', paghambay, kag pag'istimar sa 'inda bisīta.The right way of doing things is taught by them, like sitting [properly], talking [nicely] and entertaining their visitor [graciously].'Indi' 'aku makatākud ning pungku' kay waya' 'aku ning tihīras.I will not be able to endure sitting because I have no cot.papungku'caus vSomeone is allowed or caused to sit down on something by someone else.pinapungku'Tinawag si Tasya kag pinapungku' sa bangku' kag 'umatūbang sa 'iya 'ang 'iya tatay.Tacia was called and was caused to sit down on a chair and was faced by her father.pungku'anKa'āyu 'ang panglukad nga gamītun; kung pungku'an mu hay hangad 'ang sa may duyut kag mababa' 'ang ginapungku'an.It is good to use a [copra] gouger; when [it] will be sat on by you that which has a point is raised (i.e., it is on an upward angle) and that which is sat on is low.pungkū'anna seat consisting of a chair, bench or any appropriate place to sit downHālus punu' 'ang pungkū'an, kag 'ang tibulan da hay kadamu'dāmu' da.The seats were almost full, and as for the table area [it] had very many [people].cfbangku'silya

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