kāyatvA particular space becomes cluttered or messy with objects strewn around.magkāyatinfto promulgate a message, gossip, newsMas gustu pa niya 'ang magpinanumbāyay kag magkāyat ning kung 'anu'ānu nga manga balīta' kaysa diparāhun 'ang 'iya 'unga' sa pagpakā'un sa tāma' nga 'ūras.To go [visiting] from house to house and to promulgate all kinds of gossip was more desirable to her than that her children would be cared for by being fed at the right time.nagakāyatPag'abut nang tag'īya, 'ang 'inda ginasiru' hay 'ang 'inda bayay kung nagakāyat 'u waya'.Upon the owner's arrival, as for what is looked at by them, [it] is their house [to see if] it has become cluttered or not.

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