sūsunthe breast of a woman; the udder of a mammalvA baby breast-feeds or sucks from a woman's breast.nagasūsuBreast milk is sucked by a baby from a breast.Nagapāti sinda nga mabū'ut kag ma'āyu 'ang lāwas nang lapsag kung sa nanay nagasūsu.They believed that babies are healthy and have good characters when they breast-feed from their mothersGustu nang manga nanay nga sa 'inda lāwas halin 'ang ginasūsu nang 'inda lapsag.Mothers want that that which is sucked by their babies [be that which] comes from their bodies (i.e., breasts).pagsūsugera child's breast-feeding, suckingBukun pa tāma' sa 'ūras nga sinda hay magbāya' sa pagsūsu.It is not yet time for them to stop breast-feeding.

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