Safaitic - English


ʕnzt₁ n goats
ʕnzt₂ top name of unknown locatoin 15/May/2015
ʕqbt₁ n.abst punishment
ʕqbt₂ pn Scorpio (constellation)
ʕqdt v. G-stem to be restrained
ʕr n wild ass
ʕrb n.col Arabs
ʕrḍ n valley ʕrḍ
ʕrf v. G-stem to know (a fact)
ʕrg n.abst lameness
ʕrs n wedding
ʕrt(n) n.abst a journey
ʕrʔl top name of an unknown place
ʕś n a kisman (?)
ʕśr₁ num ten
ʕśr₂ n kinsman, member of a community
ʕśrn num twenty
ʕṯn-rḥ n.cnst-gen the eldest of a group (?)
ʕwd₁ v. D-stem to cause to return; to put animals in an enclosure (irreg. infl. ʕyd)
ʕwd₂ adv again (irreg. infl. ʕd)
ʕwḏ₁ v. D-stem to place under protection
ʕwḏ₂ n.abst protection
ʕwdt inf. D-stem to cause to return
ʕwq v. D-stem to be imprisoned (passive)
ʕwr₁ v. D-stem to blind; to efface (an inscription) (irreg. infl. ʕyr)