Search results for "Primate"

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gööl1Nplace for fire in the cattle byre
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tuulIntCL5rise up; appear; become famous; begin to come up e.g sun, moontuli cängsunrise9.1.1.1Exist1.1.1.1Moon9.3.1.3To a larger degree7.2.2.4Move up
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Pakonsimilar to Jiben, all male or female9.7.1.1Personal names
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pal1TrVSwG, Low1dodge by making oneself thin or sideways2make narrow by turning to narrowest side8.1.4.3Decrease8.2.4.1Narrow
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pajNCollamniotic fluid2.6.3Birth2.6.4.1Baby
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riny-a amalepi gastric region2.1.8.2Stomach
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riny-a apinyhypo gastric region2.1.8.2Stomach
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