Search results for "Internal organs"

paarø1NSglt5woven cover for food7.3.7Cover
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paarø2ordinary lawo (robe)5.3.3Traditional clothing
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Päär jammiSamenen of things8.3.7.9Value
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päär piny1jumping from a high place (game) down7.2.2.5Move down
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pääng1Intbecome full1.1.2.1Blow air
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pääng2TrVL, HFallfill something7.5.9.2Fill, cover
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päär4Int1level; match; become equal; resemble; compare; approximate; be symmetrical8. synonymous; equivalent; equal; the same; correspond to9.6.1.8Equivalence3.5.3.1Word8. involving correspondences8.
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rij tyeløinside part of foot2.1.3.2Leg
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rub2TrVFS, Lbuild a fire like a village fire5.5.1Light a fire
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