tokoi nitánidiomSuraptur i bál mos máng kis pagas i liu mák arup imi bálEnglishanger someonepoke his liverThis implies causing much thinking and mulling over in one's mind, even bitterness that remains in one without outward sign of it but with a struggle going on inside.Worwor a tari bál mos singin kálámul erei a ngoromin, “Wa dánih ukte lu longoi á piráh piráh inái?” Worwor erei a tokoi nitán pasi ák lala mos mák perek uri tan kálámul.The talk that gave an angry stomach to that man is like this, "Why what have you done now (you who are) a poor/unimportant one?" That talk poked his liver (caused anger and mulling over) resulting in he was very angry and yelled at the people.suski nitántartar mosnitang3.5.3.1Wordinteresting idiom

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