ngangaialienable nounEnglishexpectation; hopeSome say this word speaks of one's determination to possess something, so he is strong to work for it. So even salvation, if we ngangai it, means we do something to acquire it. Others say it is not possible to purchase something one feels ngangai for. People also say that this includes the belief that you will receive what you ngangai. One would only ngangai something he strongly wants.Turpasi til tungu ái Káláu a asengsegeng pas git, gitá kis án ngangai suri pákánbung ái Káláu na long artálár i kán oror taru uri narsá git. Kápte be git mákái, kabin ngo git má te mákái táit git ngangai suri, ákte rah má kángit ngangai á erei. Sinih a lu kis án ngangai suri táit ákte top on má? (Rom 8.24)Beginning previously when God freed/saved us, we have sat expecting/hoping for the day God will fulfil his promised plan to us. We do not yet see it, because if we have already seen a thing we are hoping for, then our expectation/hope is already completed. Who sits in hope for a thing he has already grasped?

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