pakustransitive verb taking onSurdut páptai; porta; dudut; patapEnglishstick to; hanging on toThis may include the idea of controlling, as an evil spirit inhabiting a person and controlling him.Kálámul ngo a lu gokgok, ruruna til Sursurunga di lu parai ngo kálámul erei a porta on i urtarang. Ngo a lu balbal longoi, ki dik hol on ngo urtarang a pakus pagas sang on.A person who convulses (or, has epilepsy), (in) the belief from Sursurunga they say that person an evil spirit is fastened on to him. If he repeatedly does it, then they think that the evil spirit remains sticking to him.Kang kalik kápate lu kaplah alar iau. Bos pokon no iau lu han ur on, ái na tu patap pagas i iau. Kápate lala las sur mámán pasi ákte tu pakus sang i iau.My child does not leave me. Every place I go to, him he will stick to me and remain. He is not used to his mother resulting in he just hangs on to me.páptai

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