Dictionary Entries explained

Swo dictionary entries consist of a headword which may be followed by the phonetic pronunciation including tone marks in brackets.
Then, the abbreviation for the part of speech is given in italics. This is followed by the definition in French. For nouns, the class number is given. Most of the examples below belong to class 5. If there are more than one related definitions, they are separated by semicolons. Definitions may include an example phrase in Swo, displayed in italics.

lələə quant chaque (c.5)

lənə pron.poss 3 sg. (c.5)

lənga [lə́ŋgā] adj même (c.5); seul (c.5) ke te lənga le même oeuf; l'oeuf-là seul

loɔ pron.poss 2 sg. (c.5)

lu [lû] n. jour

Words with more than one distinct definition will show each definition after a number, as in the example below.

nezeŋ [nɪ̀zɪ̀ŋ] art.déf 1) certain (c.1,3,5,7) ngom nezeŋ; ntolo nezeŋ; ke nezeŋ; esa nezeŋun certain homme; un certain vieillard; un certain oeuf; une certaine chose 2) autres (c.10)mpfumə nezeŋ d'autres fruits