unadtooth-dirtunad tung isi, ubin unad na yang aruman na, liag ianing ërëp nang pisan,Durung unad yang isi na, indi ra pagnisnis.His teeth have a lot of tooth-dirt, he never brushes (them).Unaraw ang pisan nira ta liw̓ak, inay kung unu ray nag̓aërëpan nira tung yëën.They are always criticizing me about my tooth-dirt. I do not know what they are-upset with me about.unad: Abëë yang isi yang aruman tang atiya, punuk ta unad, indi ra pagngisngis. Durug buyung mag̓unlab.Wow the teeth of that (near hearer) companion of ours (incl), they are full of tooth-dirt, they no longer brush their teeth. When they exhale it's very smelly.syntingalërëpsilagNOTE: No valid syn

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