tampilfor something to be thrown awaysasang bag̓ay ang indi ra maita ay nalanggid da,Nanunut da tung lingët ang itinampil yang sakbatu.My knife happened to-accompany the weeds which were-thrown-away.Natampil da asan tung dalan ang pinanawanu yang mamakanu.My betel-nut container got-tossed-out there (near hearer) on the trail where I had-walkedtampil: Mag̓aning yang mëpet, "Duduy, itampil mu rang yang kirung atiyang napatay duun tung alawid muya magbuyu ra taa. The old man said, " Sonny, toss that (near hearer) dog that died there far-away, it might small-bad here (near speaker)synlanggidpëlëk1 1

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