gilëkn.dust particulatekatulad tung paray may dupu na, purisu maatël, pariu ka tung ilamunun ang atiang bulu-w̓ulu magilëk ka.Durug gilëk yang tinanguniung nagtagbas yang bulu-w̓ulu.My body has a lot of dust on it from cutting-down the bulu-w̓ulu weeds.Kinapkapanu ra yang paypay, anda ray gilëk na.I shook-out the bamboo-mat, (so) there are no more things-which-cause-itchiness.May wai ang magilëk ang yay pagpapula ig panluka yang itak yang mula.There is water which is itchy which causes a child's crotch to-redden and it turns out to-make-a-wound.

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