duutv.to-pull something doenmga sanga ta ayu,Ipaduut mu yang sanga yang lumbuy indi kaw̓utunu.Pull-down the branch of the lumbuy-tree, I cannot reach it.Durug kapustura yang baw̓ay tung dinuutan yang dangkalan.The girl/woman at the place where (the branches) of the dangkalan-tree formed a shady place was very beautiful. Indi kaw̓utunu yang sanga yang bayaw̓as, durug abwat. Ipaduut mu ra kanay ug̓ud mautuku yang burak na.I will not reach the branch of the bayaw̓as-tree, it's very high. Please pull it down so that I can-pluck its fruit.sasang kalasi ta pamurak ta ayu, pagpuwirti yang burak na, yang mga sanga na dumuut dang pisan ay maglëbatan yang burak na,It's one type of a tree's bearing-fruit, when its fruit is great-in-number, its branches absolutely bend-down (towards the ground) because they become-heavy with its fruit.synluplupdamlay

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