aw̓ël1n vclothingMangalanga ta aw̓ël mu tung tindaan.Buy your clothing in the store.Mag̓aw̓ëlamu ra, alëngëtita ra tung baryu.Put your (pl) clothes on now, we (incl) are now close to the barrio.Yang aw̓ël basta inalang ay ablënAs-for the cloth, provided it was-bought, make clothing out of it. [Function of ay; does ablën mëan ‘makë clothing out of a piëcë of cloth?Aw̓ël, ya ray pangguuy tung susuutun ta ang ya ray impurtanting kaministiran ta tung tinanguni ta ay kung anday daapën na yang tinanguni ta, maëyakita ra ka.Clothing, that is (what people) call what we (incl) wear which is an important (thing) we (incl) need for our (incl) bodies because if our (incl) bodies do not havesynlambung2v.put on clothesMag̓aw̓ëla, durung tau tung angayan ta.Put your (sg) clothing on, there are many people at the place we (incl) are-going-to.Mag̠aw̠ëlaw pa, magpanawita pa man.I will put-on-my-clothes yet, let-us (incl) go yet indeed.[How to translate pa man?]synsuutsuksuk

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