lug̓ito-lose-financiallybëlag tamang partian, may naglandaw̓an,Nalamang yang aruman ta tung parti, nalug̓iaw.Our companion happened-to-make-a-mistake in the way he divided-up (the proceeds of a sale), I got-less (than I expected). Nalug̓iyaw tung takun ang naa yang kumaw, minus yang patëbas na.I received-less this year from my swidden, what it produced was less (than it could have been).Tung takun ang naa, nalug̓iyaw tung patëbas yang kumaw.In this (near spkr) year, I came-up-short regarding the harvest of my swidden.Maning taa yang pagkalug̓iyu, ay yang parayu durung namagdistrusu ang pariyu ka tung baw̓uy, may bakës, may ambë. The way I suffered loss was like this, my rice had many who collectively-destoyed it like the wild-pigs, the monkeys, and the rats.synpirdisiunminusantmatinlu

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