Search for a word in the Tampuan dictionary.

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To search for a word, type it into the box on the right.
You can search for a Tampuan or English word or part of a word.
To enter the special characters of the Tampuan language click on one of the 52 buttons above the search box.

Note: to type words such as កាំ you must use the buttons ក ា ំ.

[Tip: you can ignore the Languages and Parts of Speech drop-down boxes - they are for advanced searches]


ណាគ័ តាងីត នីត តាងោយប.អណ្តាត​ភ្លើង​ខ្លាំង ដែល​ឆេះ​ធ្លោ​​ឡើង​ទៅ​លើអំប៉្យិត អុញ ដាវ ទ្រឹត ផះ អ៊ែ តាកូ័ះ លូ ជឹឡូ ណាគ័ តាងីត នីត តាងោយ។អណ្តាត​ភ្លើង​នៃ​ដាវ​រន្ទះ​របស់​ទ្រឹត​ពេល​ច្បាំង​ជាមួយ​ជឹឡូ។

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