tawal1nA charm or incantation (often in Arabic or Malay) recited to bring about a desired change in physical or mental condition (as to heal a sickness or avert a storm.)vAR ag mag-, -um-; ran -an.To recite such a charm or incantation (in order to change a physical or mental condition).nmagtatawal, mananawalA medicine man or curer specializing in the use of such charms or incantations.2nCure or healing by a curer with the use of such a charm or incantation (sense 1).Mabisa in tawal niya.His curing by incantation is effective.vAR ag mag-, -um-; ran -an.To cure or heal (someone with the use of a charm or incantation).The curer usu. recites the charm over a glass of water or some such medium, and then rubs the water onto the patient.Maingat kaw magtawal sin alirji.You know how to cure an allergy by incantations.Tawali in bataꞌ ini kiyaabatan.Cure this child with incantations, for she is affected with a sickness caused by evil spirits.Cf.ubatabat 1

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