Tawrã – English
la hadi(peŋ35)di55tell a story
la nutyu(hɑ31 di55)jɑ53boast
la tyangsothɯ31 liŋ53 nɑ35molar
lahalaqtɑ31 we55 lim55cunning
lahalaü(lɑ53)hɑ31 lɑɯ53pretender
lahalaülɑ53 hɑ31 lu53 pru53lie
lakrauɑ31 tʲo53 ɑ31 jim55elbow
lakunekɑ31 sɑ55 nɑŋ55 /tɑ31 we55 tsho53 nɑŋ55guess
lamakɑ31 bei53 jɑ31 me35Total name of 義都people and Darang people
lamatheŋ55 em55 plɑ̃35 /blom55Buddha
lama takotsai(tɑ31 n̥55)prɑ55 jim55chanting
lapatiŋ53 khɑ31 toŋ55pants of 僜 people
lãlɑ̃35 klɑi53 /lɑ̃35 tɕhi53 ɑ31 wɑ55teeth