Dictionary Entries explained



Each entry starts with a headword (a lexical unit of a morpheme, a word, or a group of words) in the [type] script followed by a pronunciation guide in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) using a broad and phonemic transcription, marked by square brackets, e.g., [ ].

Part of speech

In each entry, the pronunciation guide is followed by its part of speech in abbreviated form that is marked by italics, e.g., adj., n., v., etc. For the headwords which function in more than one grammatical category, for example, as a noun and a verb, each category is marked with numerals and left sided brackets, e.g., (1, (2, etc.


The definitions of [language] lexical units are given in English and are usually substitutable. The definition of each lexical unit starts with the part of speech and is followed by the meaning. As mentioned above, many lexical units have more than one part of speech. In addition many lexical units will also have more than one sense (polysemy). Each sense will be marked with numerals in left-sided parentheses, e.g., (1, (2, (3, etc. The sub-senses within a sense are separated by semicolons. Words which are identical in pronunciation and spelling but differ with basic meanings (homonyms) are treated as separate entries with subscripts.

Spelling variations


Illustrative Sentences

In order to explain the meanings of complex words, illustrative examples are given in [language] and translated into English. With a slight modification, most of the examples have been taken from the text corpus.

Usage Labels