Dictionary Entries explained

The entries in this dictionary consist minimally of a headword followed by a part of speech and one or more definitions in French. Many entries also include a sample sentence with its translation.
ɓanni adj étroit Mbyi ni m̀ɓanni. La route est étroite.

Verb entries appear in their “root” form, followed by their infinitive form.
funnzi (m̀funnzi) v.tr. bouger; agiter M̀pùn ta ŋgæʼ funnzi. Le vent agite lʼarbre.

Noun entries include two forms of noun class information, first with associated singular and plural pronominal forms and second with standard singular and plural noun class numbers.
shìb n [sɛ/yɛ] 3/4 herbe aromatique Wù kɛ̀â shìb kɛ nwɔ̀ʼ nun. Tu as mis de la shìb dans la sauce.

Homonyms appear as separate entries with numerical subscripts.
nàn1 n [sɛ/yɛ] [3/4] danse coutumière tikar. Mǔn ɗun kifɛʼ nàn. Je ne suis pas encore du nombre de ceux qui dansent le nàn.
nàn2 (ǹnàn) v.tr monter Jân tǎ ŋgæʼ nèan. Jean monte dans lʼarbre.

Derived forms of the verb are listed as indented subentries. The following examples are derived from the verb nàn2 above:
nànnzì v caus activer (fig) À tǎ win nànnzi. Elle active le feu.
nànŋgàʼ v rép À ti ŋ̀gwùmŋgwùm nànŋgea. Il est déjà en train de monter la colline.

When a word has multiple related senses, the definitions are numbered.
nànndì v.tr 1) trébucher en glissant de là où on est monté À nànndâ ŋ̀gwɔ̀ʼ. Il a trébuché sur une pierre. 2) sentir un objet par le toucher À nànndâ ɓlè. Elle a trouver un pou.

Variant pronunciations appear with a cross-reference to their alternate form.
kyè (var.pron. klè) n [nɛ/ɓɛ] 1/2 oiseau