-mi2mivsfxaway from a reference pointCaqi Iesu Christo anocomile nihinima ofuenoma hachaquenta nalimo aboma yqimibi.How did our Lord rise to the heavens?Como subio nuestro Señor a los cielos.Pareja 1612a:28-9 1.1Acuna hacu nihihabetileta anoco eneseti mine cumemi yayita chocori nomimaqua yqimela caqi ysonimano hiamiqua cocola nanacu maha ine toro numamate vtimate hachibueno ynereqe inemate arecota siqisota mosonima caqi mine cumemi nalimo abo yqiminima nacu hiamiquala mantela mineno.with his own virtue and without aid from anyone, and this because that which is his divine power is... nothing created the heavens, earth, and all kinds of things and so to rise to the heavens by his own power isn't much for him.In mortal con su propria virtud sin ayuda de nadie, y esto para lo que es su divino poder es poco puede nada crio el Cielo tierra, y todo genero de cosas y assi subir al Cielo por su propria virtud no es mucho para el.Pareja 1612a:28-9 2.1Hachaquene ituhununco na tacatosimitecho?Which prayer do you offer to them?What is it that you offer to the saints?Que es lo que les offreceis a los Sanctos?Pareja 1612a:52v 1.1There are two distinct -mi suffixes on verbs. One is before the causative -so and the other is after it. Both enemiso and enesomi are found.) For verbs of motion, -mi seems to add a sense like 'away'. However, it also occurs with some non-motion verbs, such as boho 'believe' vs bohomi 'believe in'. Possibly in such cases, there is metaphorical ('fictive') motion.Confidentcfmi1memycomp.pilumipiluv

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