-te1tenPost-determinersfxcontrastive focus markerHecate naquimosima, nina ehesibotema, natequeniqe manista nicala hachoncomota isino?Why does one add: Just as we forgive our debtors?Porque se añade: Asi como nosotros las perdonamos a nuestros deudores?Movilla 1635a:f043r-043v 1.1hote Christianotila hacu ...I am not a Christian, but...Movilla 1635a:f148r-151r 1.8Iudio anoyayi caremichu, Longino iribota hebata Christiano puqua arecobotanima nahiabotaqere Pilato, lapusimonima soldadcare misoboniqe Longinote, soldadomicarema, iquenibomohaue masimoqe naquosala. When the chief Jews knew what had happened, and what Longinus had preached, and that he had made so many Christians, they asked Pilate to send soldiers to kill him, and the governor did it, and send three or four soldiers.Sabiendo los principales Iudios lo que pasava, y que Longinos predicava, y hazia tantos Christianos, pidieron a Pilato que embiase soldados a matarle, hizole assi el Governador, y embió allà tres o quatro soldadosMovilla 1635a:f152-154 5.1Confidentta-cotecomp.kotesp. var.-còtesfx1and also... hiquema Apostoles caruma nantamonimano yayicote yayititicote yquobacote qichicote nahiaba acocote nuyaacote quelamanisomoqe natooma himala. ... in these waters the Holy Apostles, fished for the old and the young who were learned and ignorant. (I will turn the desert into pools of water; and at land's end, water in the stream of waters?) 2exclamative suffix (what a ...!)-matecomp.matesp. var.-matè1sfxandIbirita cuyumate honoso henomate quene inti uquabi cho?Did you [not-AB] eat any fish or deer-meat during the catamenia?Una caremaqua hachibueno, care nayalacota, caque nihaue yatala muenomate isticoqe namota bohonole bitima chisisotamano bohatiquani hach(e?).All these things, all these abuses, the tremblings of the body, the omens form the birds, from the beasts, nothing of them must be believed in.Mine (h)achibueno tera inemi naya iynomate, graciamate nacumotaqe iyenotima; nocomi Dios-isomima nantela.Some great queen, rich in all virtues and graces; the true mother of God she is called.Dios itimi, Dios qiemima Jesu Christo nante, Espiritu Santomate.God father, God's son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.Ano qiemamate Diosi? (And) is the father God? Quiemilenomate Diosi?Is the son God?2vsfxand (verbal)3non-coord mate

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